Damn…so young and already having issues with addiction.
I mean…quitting cold turkey obviously isn’t always the best method BUT since you’re still a minor (and it’s obviously not legal for you to be doing such things), I’d assume it’d be easy(?) to stop getting ahold of cigarettes. For example: block the person supplying them to you (if that’s how you come into possession of them).
You could also tell a responsible adult in your life (or find one) and see if they can give you guidance. While yes, this could lead to possible consequences, it’s better to have a short term punishment then be stuck doing something that will ultimately ruin your health and well-being.

I just get them from the shop. Its quite easy to get em here which is quite bad. My parents did find out and ive alr gotten the consequences but i cant seem to stop. It did get less. Like i used to finish a pack in one and a half wrek or less,but one pack bow lasts me a month. I still consider that alot,hence the reason why i wanna quit.
So i have this habit of smoking since i was 14. Its been 3 years and i wanna stop it. Ive tried vaping but its hard i crave cigarettes. The most ive gone without them are 2 weeks but then im really moody and emotional. What should i do??