As always, thanks a thousand times for your detailed summary. I am very surprised by the plot direction and the unnecessary memory loss. Also, I really had no clue Minhyuk could end up risking it all for SY. I mean, taking him to his place is one thing but lying to keep him permanently is another. Doesn't he know how TS is crazy and dangerous? Does he think TS is not that attached to SY and won't kill him for what he's done? On another hand, I am glad we now know he is the main rival to TS and they have become officially ennemies. At least there's no more confusion at this level. TS and SY clearly belong together and MH is just there to add drama. I was kinda hoping he would be better than TS to SY but my oh my how I was wrong :((

Tae doesn’t lie? I say we’re serious! You never told him he didn’t save him at the club, then "you knew my uncle" "no" when we all know he’s involved in this man’s death. Another question, "Are you hiding anything from me?" Answer "I’m not hiding anything from you" just that I’m a mob boss of the worst kind and I hide dead guys in my construction sites inside my suitcases. So, my lords, we must be objective here There is not one who does not lie They are all great liars

I wrote a summary and part of that means I won't always capture all of the chapter's details. If you want to summarize the entire chapter page for page then please be my guest. I'm not a native speaker so I don't have the luxury to do something like that so most of my summaries come from using several translating engines + my limited knowledge of Korean to understand the bigger picture (meaning these summaries might not be 100% accurate all the time).
Also I'm not really sure what you're implying — are you questioning why I think it's terrible that SY lost his memory? If so then it's terrible because it's a sign of worsened brain trauma that Sooyoung's obviously not getting any help to address. That and the potential for someone like Minhyuk who ALREADY has taken advantage of SY in a weakened state to do more to SY now that he has memory loss (like imprint false memories/feed him lies).

No look I can simply thank you for your wonderful summary So my thanks are absolutely for you that you did a wonderful thing so I thank you for your wonderful work for making you understand what is happening. I was simply analyzing the fact that the boy also forgot why he went to ask for information and the speech of the corpse here forgotten is the bullshit made by the blond that the why he went to the site all this

I didn't mean for the post to come off as defensive. I was simply stating that my summaries aren't totally gonna encompass the whole chapter so if I forget something then that's why. I also wanted to clarify that I wasn't a native speaker so my summaries aren't 100% accurate. Honestly I would love for someone to come in with a full transcript of the chapter because I'm sure there's dialogue/plot implications I might've missed on my own run through.

You didn't get my point at all. The problem is not MH lying to SY but him lying to everyone so he could keep SY forever and that implies risking his own life because who's that crazy to anger TS and think he would get away with it? It just seems odd to me to see MH go that far for SY knowing he is smart and knows how deal with his ennemies. Did he really think TS will never discover he is behind this kidnapping?
Let's just say I wasn't expecting that turn of the events. I was very upset with the assault part because I was convinced MH would never hurt SY but then once he got what he wanted why pushing it as far as keeping SY forever? It's a stupid move. I just don't understand the author's choice at this point so let's just wait and see how she's gonna solve this sh*t!

Minkyuk, being the spy, has studied Tae Seung for years, I honestly do not know how many years he works for him, he is risking so much because I think he really likes the guy, but since he is a dickhead, who thinks with his dick, has done yet another shit. You have no idea how I wanted to kill him after he hurt the boy. I think he put it all together, the fact that Tae wouldn’t have believed the boxer was dead, the fact that they would have looked for them, he’s too smart. I think he’ll be back with his real boss soon and take the boxer with him. If Tae finds the boxer now, he kills Minkyuk, honestly I don’t like it for two reasons: One the boxer won’t investigate him anymore, and will become totally a puppy Two mysteries about the death of the uncle and the other wrongdoings

If Tae kills Minkyuk then what we talk about for imagine 40 chapters. Then honestly I want this guy to know. Tell him the truth. Who is really Tae Seung, who is behind the death of his uncle. It’s too convenient to get him back to Tae in this condition. He doesn’t remember anything. So he doesn’t investigate anymore, he’s a puppy at home and maybe he doesn’t even remember to visit his uncle at the cemetery. He must know everything about everyone. Then decide for himself what he wants to do. Tae and Minkyuk should both die for me. The boxer forgets them and makes a new life for himself.

Before Minhyuk stupid decision to hurt SY, I was kinda hoping he would be the one telling SY about TS's lies. It would have been way better. SY would have left TS and maybe get closer with MH while sorting things out. At the end of the day, TS didn't kill SY's uncle out of cruelty. It was pretty clear from the previous chapters that it happened without him wanting it and he felt instant regret to the point of being haunted by that incident even before meeting SY. So I think SY will forgive him and they will get back together after the whole truth is revealed. We still don't know what really happened. But now it's all messed up and Minhyuk became the main villain somehow. I have no doubt he will die at the end.

The point is more than how the uncle died, the point is that he didn’t tell him. That will be the real drama. Was it an accident? Did he repent? Still going to find him? All is well. But the point is that he did not tell him. And then honestly he is a mob boss, not a civil servant. Do you imagine Tae changing his life for the boy? What becomes a saint? As long as they are together the boy will always be in danger. Always. I can’t imagine Tae Seung any different than he is. He wouldn’t be either. The fact of the boy’s memory loss has messed everything up. I honestly don’t see happy endings for them. There aren’t even premises. Tae Seung is a bloodthirsty mobster. And he never wanted to be different from who he is.

Soo Young is sick. He is mentally unstable but I don’t think he would want to spend his life with a mobster, who kills kills and has a thousand intrigues. He is a good honest guy. I have never seen us here happy ends. The longer the story goes on, the more dramatic it gets, and the ending is all happy, at least for me there’s no
This one is another emotionally charged chapter, mostly coming from Taeseung and his unbridled anger over finding Sooyoung. Some plot things I'm not happy about but we'll see how the author sets it up.
Chapter continues from Taeseung questioning Senator Jeong. We get a quick flashback to Minhyuk specifically telling the senator to tell anyone who asks that Sooyoung is dead and that he's buried in one of the barrels. He blackmails the senator to do this or else he'll release their sex tape to the press. The senator tells TS that SY is dead and that he killed him, but then TS starts questioning him about how SY died -- how was he killed, what his last words are, etc. He obviously doesn't believe SY could be killed by someone like the senator and proceeds to call the senator's daughter on his phone. The daughter is distraught hearing her father being tortured only to start having people come for her as well -- TS threatens the senator using his daughter, saying that he'll cut off her limbs and present them to the senator himself if he doesn't start talking. Finally after more threats the senator gives in and tells TS that he'll tell him who took SY and all the details surrounding it.
Now we cut to what appears to be either a dream or a flashback (I think it's a dream) -- SY is thinking that his body feels hot, it hurts a lot, and that he needs to get up leave this place. Then we cut again to Minhyuk on a call with a President Joo -- he's reporting on Mayor Kim's movements and that he has everything under control, even if another organization were to interfere. I think this scene solidifies that he's the mole and he's reporting to someone with the surname Joo. Anyway after his call ends he notices SY limping out and asks if he's okay since he had so many bruises. He immediately thinks that he needs to lie to SY about why they're here together and decides to tell SY that they're here to hide because TS (he refers to him as the President/CEO) is in danger. SY responds "...the President?" which leaves room for interpretation whether that means he's trying to process what's happening or if it's a sign he doesn't know who MH is referring to. Then SY asks MH where he is, why he's here, and mentions that he needs to return to somewhere, to someone. The chapter ends with SY saying he doesn't remember the details of the above.
So looks like we might be getting an amnesia/memory loss trope added to the story folks. It was definitely foreshadowed by the doctor in earlier chapters but geez I was really hoping it wasn't gonna happen like this :( also I'm sad that SY will probably never remember he was raped and Minhyuk continues to act like nothing happened and even lies to keep SY apart from TS. And I have a feeling that he'll definitely take advantage of SY's memory loss :/ BUT TS also knows MH for what he is now and I absolutely can't wait for the TS/MH confrontation to happen!!