
I have no idea how anyone could hate eris when she’s a tiny kid but the thing is Helena was practically ordered by the crown prince
They explained it previously but with her mom’s abuse that made her fit into the role of the dumb oblivious happy girl she just goes along with it because if she doesn’t her mom might try to kill her again and god knows who else might get punished because she didn’t listen to the prince
I just feel sorry for the both of them you know?
She claim she is innoncent but she is well aware she is fooling with someones fiance... she may not have known about the dress but she obviously knew she was going to the party with the groom... so don't waste your crocodile tears Helena hun, saying you didn't wear the dress on purpose like that is the only flaw.... Also why do they hate Eris so much, she literally hasn't done anything to deserve the hate.