Please help me find this!

ItsInevitable:) June 20, 2021 7:41 am

I’m back… again. I’m looking for this Yaoi I read I think 2 years ago I can’t really remember the main relationship but their was a second relationship that starts from the main. So the little brother’s name is Yuta (it’s funny how I can only remember the little brothers name) and he doesn’t like the fact that his older brother (which is the main relationship) is dating another male so he is always rude to the uke. So then the little brother gets into a predicament where I think he is sexually harassed by someone, and then their is another character, this is the other guy that’s friends with the uke (in the main relationship) and he saves the little brother then later along the lines the little brother (Yuta) starts falling for that guy.( ̄へ ̄)That’s all I can remember I hope that helps.
