I know it's horror but I feel bad for that girl in the last story. It's obvious she has a ...

Ichigo July 28, 2016 8:20 am

I know it's horror but I feel bad for that girl in the last story. It's obvious she has a psychosis. And not only was she not given help, the people around her were enablers and worsened her condition.

    Tyrant_king August 28, 2016 9:38 am

    I know. I would've been fed up with her if she was doing it, knowing the guy was going out with someone else, but you know she had an illness, I felt she was really pitiful. Actually i feel frustrated by that sicko family. They we're the ones that led her.

    Ichigo August 30, 2016 4:12 am
    I know. I would've been fed up with her if she was doing it, knowing the guy was going out with someone else, but you know she had an illness, I felt she was really pitiful. Actually i feel frustrated by that s... Tyrant_king

    Yeah. They enabled her and then taught their kid it was ok to murder people...

    2seung October 13, 2019 1:27 pm

    This is a dangerous mentality. It's kind of like saying, "well, he has emotional issues and so he abused his wife, but she should have done something for him and not enable him?". She stalked him despite him repeatedly telling her no. He feared her and wasn't sure what to do. It's sad that perhaps because he's a boy, you decide to victim blame him instead. If you faced a male stalker, would you easily think, "oh, poor thing, he must be psychotic. let me schedule a therapy session for him!". No, you'd be scared for your life. If you faced a harrasser, would you like it if someone said "well yeah you were harrassed but he needs help, i feel bad for him" instead of feeling bad for your plight?

    Ichigo October 13, 2019 1:40 pm
    This is a dangerous mentality. It's kind of like saying, "well, he has emotional issues and so he abused his wife, but she should have done something for him and not enable him?". She stalked him despite him re... 2seung

    I said "people" around her. Not the victim. Psychosis doesn't just choose one person to present itself to. There are bound to be signs that scream out at people that something is wrong. Those people, like her mother should have gotten her help.

    Please learn to comprehend what you are reading before you respond. It is a very important skill that you will need to get through life.