
Moniqué June 19, 2021 4:55 pm

Okay, I know where this is leading to and I CERTAINLY like it. HOWEVER!!, Yeonwoo needs a hard push for him to sober up even just a little!! URGGHHH I get Taehwan for being so full of himself bcs... Yeonwoo is certainly as he said Yeonwoo is!!!!!! He'll certainly forgive Taehwan!!!!!!!!! MAKES ME WONDER WHAT METHOD THE AUTHOR WILL USE TO MAKE THIS ONE SIDED RELATIONSHIP, STABLE. UGH. YEONWOO REALLY NEEDS A HARD PUSH FOR HIM TO GROW SOME BACKBONE, FIGHT HIM YEONWOO!!! Prove him wrong!!!! MAKE HIM CHASE YOU!!!

    Cne141 June 19, 2021 5:28 pm

    Dont worry the push back coming. Yeonwu slowly growing a backbone.