So happy

Jazzy June 19, 2021 2:29 pm

Its pains me that she's so traumatized by her past and I genuinely want her to feel better and safer with the red knights but I really cant deny how happy I am when I see her so resolute. Shes forcibly turning the wheels of her fate and that's so amazing to me

    Gidget June 19, 2021 4:24 pm

    I'm not understanding the sympathy towards her. Pains you why? I'm glad she realized what a shit person she was and chose a different path, but I feel her trauma is warranted. Even if she was ordered to do bad things, she still did them and didn't report it to anyone. She murdered innocents. She was the bad guy.

    Let me give you a few recentish real-life examples:

    The US soldiers who tortured Iraq prisoners because that was what their superiors were doing/what they were ordered to do.

    Cops in America who stand by and ignore other cops' harassment, assault, and murder of people of color. They don't stop it, question it, or report it.

    Not questioning or standing up to evil, makes you just as bad. She knew what she was doing, she did it for the money and ignored her morality.

    Panda-chan June 19, 2021 5:02 pm
    I'm not understanding the sympathy towards her. Pains you why? I'm glad she realized what a shit person she was and chose a different path, but I feel her trauma is warranted. Even if she was ordered to do bad ... Gidget

    It's fiction. Don't bring reality into this.

    Jazzy June 19, 2021 5:41 pm
    I'm not understanding the sympathy towards her. Pains you why? I'm glad she realized what a shit person she was and chose a different path, but I feel her trauma is warranted. Even if she was ordered to do bad ... Gidget

    Are you not listening ? I said it pains me, meaning that I feel bad, i didnt say she does not deserve it. Obviously theres are consequences for actions and her trauma is a result of that, what I said is I feel bad for her but me feeling bad for her doesnt change the fact she will experience trauma. My feelings have nothing to do with her reality. Essentially what I said was Shes suffering from her past mistakes and that hurts me but shes making changes in her life by force. I'm proud she learnt from her mistakes(trauma). I'm an emotional person and if you want to look at everything from a logical standpoint that's all you but you dont get to tell me how I should feel ab her. Do what you want. And what the hell is up with you and those real life examples are you trying to make me feel like garbage on my opinion ab a MANHWA!?!

    Jazzy June 19, 2021 5:44 pm
    It's fiction. Don't bring reality into this. Panda-chan

    *liked this message

    zenexx June 19, 2021 6:20 pm
    I'm not understanding the sympathy towards her. Pains you why? I'm glad she realized what a shit person she was and chose a different path, but I feel her trauma is warranted. Even if she was ordered to do bad ... Gidget

    ABAHHDHSS i don’t think you actually paid attention to what this person was saying. they never said they condone what she did, nor did they say that she should be forgiven. they were saying that they hope that eventually they hope she can live with her sins and her crimes. they also never said she was undeserving of the consequences such as, as u mentioned, trauma. she may not forgive herself which is understandable, i wouldn’t either if i took many people’s lives all for the sake of my own gain. she is completely deserving of the consequences, she understands that, we also understand that, but that wasn’t the topic we were addressing. we were talking about her resolution, and her will to change with the chance and new life she’s been given, to undo and prevent any of the murders and immoral act she previously committed out of self gain and fear.

    Gidget June 19, 2021 9:25 pm
    Are you not listening ? I said it pains me, meaning that I feel bad, i didnt say she does not deserve it. Obviously theres are consequences for actions and her trauma is a result of that, what I said is I feel ... Jazzy

    *Major eyeroll and ignore*

    Jazzy June 19, 2021 11:38 pm
    *Major eyeroll and ignore* Gidget

    Lmao what are you? Five?
    Pfft whatever

    Jazzy June 20, 2021 1:21 am
    ABAHHDHSS i don’t think you actually paid attention to what this person was saying. they never said they condone what she did, nor did they say that she should be forgiven. they were saying that they hope tha... zenexx

    Thank you

    agathe June 20, 2021 8:59 am
    I'm not understanding the sympathy towards her. Pains you why? I'm glad she realized what a shit person she was and chose a different path, but I feel her trauma is warranted. Even if she was ordered to do bad ... Gidget

    @ Jazzy : i Get you feel sympathy for the MC : it means you have your heart in the right place, because the author wants us to feel bad for her : we can sincerely wish for her redemption this way - Nonetheless, she also used to be a truly evil character, that’s also undeniable , that’s also why i think it’s very much ok to feel like Gidjet too ?
    @ Gidjet : i understand your feelings too! Obviously nowadays, the lack of morality of those who are supposed to protect us and serve justice, or the all for greed society models are rather scary : fiction set an exemple , we learn and are influenced by models , it’s a proven fact - because of that real life feeling, I’m also glad she actually feels bad about her very bad deeds, she enrolled to be a knight, but instead of protecting people, she became an indiscriminate murder weapon : how scary ! i think she’s interesting because she is all about consequences of her actions : it’s heavy and it needs to be , that’s also how we can accept her : that’s what you meant, right ?

    Even if probably lesser than tv or games, Stories always had a strong influence - it’s nothing new - propaganda used storytelling from glass tainted windows to comics strips, scary legends, song and religious tales all used stories to teach, influence, and shape beliefs
    - it’s also the responsibility of an author to measure they can influence our values, beliefs, habits and our short and long term vision of society - it’s by no way harmless ! (You don’t believe ? Think about how recent shopping habits are influenced by the collection of books, mangas and movies following the « Pretty Woman » relooking spurge trend ?)

    it’s really good that once in a while, there’s room for a bad person to become a good person even when terrible things were done, but it’s also important to show that doing bad things come a a heavy price

    In the end i think every one is right : it good she feels bad and it’s also good we feel bad for her - because her guilt is not entirely self centered, we also deeply feel how wrong she was and wish for her redemption , it’s two side of the same coin

    Gidget June 20, 2021 4:50 pm
    Lmao what are you? Five?Pfft whatever Jazzy

    You're the one who can't hold a conversation and instead went to an unnecessarily aggressive response. Me refusing to respond to your childish behavior makes me an adult, who is refusing to humor a little child. But sure, I can be the child here if it makes you feel better :)

    Gidget June 20, 2021 4:51 pm
    @ Jazzy : i Get you feel sympathy for the MC : it means you have your heart in the right place, because the author wants us to feel bad for her : we can sincerely wish for her redemption this way - Nonetheless,... agathe

    Yep, exactly. This is how the response should have been. Instead of what it was. @Jazzy, take notes, this is how you have an adult conversation with a difference in opinion.

    Panda-chan June 20, 2021 4:56 pm
    Yep, exactly. This is how the response should have been. Instead of what it was. @Jazzy, take notes, this is how you have an adult conversation with a difference in opinion. Gidget

    What she said wasn't wrong. She responded well. You came on to her comment and started stuff. You are the aggressor in this instance. And instead of owning that. You shove it on her. Way to go child.

    Jazzy June 20, 2021 5:20 pm
    You're the one who can't hold a conversation and instead went to an unnecessarily aggressive response. Me refusing to respond to your childish behavior makes me an adult, who is refusing to humor a little child... Gidget

    Look, I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you tell me this, we have different opinions and that's fine. Having a difference of opinion is never the problem. My problem was you using those real life examples to try and do god knows what with and make me change my opinion. You trying to make me see your POV is ok but it doesnt sit right with me when you brought in those examples like I should feel bad ab the way I feel about a fictional story. That was wrong. I'm not a child and I'm not here to argue with anyone. Think what you want but thoughts on this and you wont change.

    zenexx June 20, 2021 11:31 pm
    Yep, exactly. This is how the response should have been. Instead of what it was. @Jazzy, take notes, this is how you have an adult conversation with a difference in opinion. Gidget

    i have to highly disagree with you saying that you even took part in this “adult” conversation. what was so adult-like about you saying: *Major eyeroll and ignore* ?
    what kind of adult uses that form of speech in the first place? they never started the fight nor brought any attitude, they asked if you were actually paying any attention to what they had posted? bc if you did then you would have noticed that they never condoned, nor did they forgive her for her crimes. in fact it was YOU who had acted childishly by ignoring what someone was saying and flying off the handle. we all fully understand that the MC is completely deserving of the consequences and that all she felt was pity towards the mc bc we all know that no matter how hard she tries, the trauma and memory of her choices will never fade. yet you completely skipped over what they were saying, ignored the entire point of their discussion and practically said “you’re wrong”. when you did not even glance at what they had said. bc if you did you’d notice that they were having a so-called “adult” conversation.

    Gidget June 21, 2021 5:01 am
    i have to highly disagree with you saying that you even took part in this “adult” conversation. what was so adult-like about you saying: *Major eyeroll and ignore* ?what kind of adult uses that form of spee... zenexx

    Yet another eye-roll and refusing to read your dribble. Take your little savior complex and go present it to someone who is going to humor you, cuz it's not me. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Gidget June 21, 2021 5:02 am
    Look, I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you tell me this, we have different opinions and that's fine. Having a difference of opinion is never the problem. My problem was you using those real life examples t... Jazzy

    This is the second time you've mentioned that you weren't going to 'listen' you not understand that this isn't audible? Yeah, that's all I'll bother responding to.

    Gidget June 21, 2021 5:05 am
    What she said wasn't wrong. She responded well. You came on to her comment and started stuff. You are the aggressor in this instance. And instead of owning that. You shove it on her. Way to go child. Panda-chan

    Responded well...xD, I forgot how many kids are on this site. Once you go to college and learn how to have a difference of opinion, express and discuss it in an adult-like manner, your opinion on this will matter a little more. Until, then, cheeri-o!

    Jazzy June 21, 2021 6:41 am
    This is the second time you've mentioned that you weren't going to 'listen' you not understand that this isn't audible? Yeah, that's all I'll bother responding to. Gidget

    The fact you're sitting there focusing on ONE word out of all that was said on the message threads tell me all I need to know. Have a good life lol

    zenexx June 21, 2021 7:08 am
    Yet another eye-roll and refusing to read your dribble. Take your little savior complex and go present it to someone who is going to humor you, cuz it's not me. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Gidget

    interesting how u use such childish remarks and comments to act like a so called “adult”- the fact that i can, and have pointed out how incredulously wrong and shit your arguments are is really entertaining at this point. your acting like a child throwing a tantrum bc as embarrassing as it is, you know your wrong but refuse to admit it bc of your superiority complex. you refuse to read what people are saying bc you know your actions are embarrassing. i don’t know where u got this “saviour” shit from but the fact that you, the most childish person in this discussion, is assuming that you’re even older than anyone in this conversation, i’d ridiculous, and funnily enough you’re the one acting the least mature.

    Panda-chan June 21, 2021 11:42 am
    Responded well...xD, I forgot how many kids are on this site. Once you go to college and learn how to have a difference of opinion, express and discuss it in an adult-like manner, your opinion on this will matt... Gidget

    Same to you. Seeing as yes I have been to college abd have already graduated. You're still being very childish. More infantile then anything. Do please get some help.