
Babybabe June 19, 2021 2:09 pm

Enjoying this doesn't feel right.Favoritism among your children is annoying asfck I don't care even if the mc's the one receiving . FAVORITISM IS FAVORITISM !

    sevi camero June 19, 2021 2:25 pm

    right!! favoritism is a no nooo! i mean if thats the rules for the imperial throne u should've just produce 5 children and not THAT many like whats the use of it even if it has a very wonderful magic they'll just get killed someday lol

    Ling June 19, 2021 2:43 pm

    Yup favoritism also cause conflicts
    (Umm oh ye I forgot all of them treat each other as enemy since birth-)
    Anyways I feel bad for the children whose fighting for the throne damn some might look bad but they have no choice since mostly mother's pursue their child to be the next emperor and such