Y’all l I’m stressed

Eva June 19, 2021 1:55 pm

I love haesol but honestly she gets a little overbearing with the way she remains unfazed throughout the plot. I get that maybe she wants to hide their relationship to protect yeonwoo (so that other don’t bully him or sth) but honestly if she’s gonna act in such a way, then she should’ve just turned him down when he confessed. And honestly I believe she’s smart and perceptive enough to realize moments where yeonwoo gets jealous or insecure. But she remains silent about such things as if she means - “it was him that wanted this relationship in the first place”. Though I get that this may not be what she means, but to me it does seem like that. I like her mysterious auro and I have never hated her or anything. But sometimes her actions bother me ( ̄へ ̄)

    Cry June 19, 2021 2:59 pm

    AGREE 100% But I guess we do need to also see her pov too.