gomini June 19, 2021 1:41 pm

I'm not hating on hunter cha. I like the girl. She kicks ass and she can totally kick my ass anytime.... BUT i really think that healer class B (forgot her name) x JW is a bettee pairing.

DON'T KILL ME. it's just my opinion. Really.

    NamiKai June 19, 2021 1:47 pm

    Me too. I don't like hunter cha. She's awfully chummy and only likes Jin-woo on the surface level.

    What if hunter cha and Jin-woo met EARLIER/ before he got stronger? wouldn't he be put on the sam category as other people who has disgusting smell? (take note: hunter cha has "magic hyperosmia", mentioned in the earlier chapters)

    gomini June 19, 2021 2:29 pm
    Me too. I don't like hunter cha. She's awfully chummy and only likes Jin-woo on the surface level.What if hunter cha and Jin-woo met EARLIER/ before he got stronger? wouldn't he be put on the sam category as ot... NamiKai

    It's not that i don't like her... but yeah. I have those thoughts tooooo. Like the healer girl was there when he was at the bottom of the bottom of the bottomest bottoms. Like SHE WAS THE REASON he survived most of his raids. *sigh

    JwL June 19, 2021 4:47 pm


    s e v i June 19, 2021 6:05 pm

    kinda agree on you but I think the healer kinda pitied jw at first and she felt like she had a responsibility to help him but yeah she it was also obvious that she liked him

    but I feel like cha would have liked ANYONE who didn't have a stinky smell and if they met earlier and Jw didn't smell, I think she would consider him liking him

    Sasaki June 19, 2021 6:45 pm
    kinda agree on you but I think the healer kinda pitied jw at first and she felt like she had a responsibility to help him but yeah she it was also obvious that she liked himbut I feel like cha would have liked ... s e v i

    I agree with you too!

    Tharrinne June 20, 2021 3:48 am

    He treats her just like a friend.. but hae in is the one he really loves.. you'll know if you read the novel and the side stories

    gomini June 21, 2021 11:47 am
    kinda agree on you but I think the healer kinda pitied jw at first and she felt like she had a responsibility to help him but yeah she it was also obvious that she liked himbut I feel like cha would have liked ... s e v i

    Yeah, i get that cha would like anyone that doesn't smell bad. BUT JW smelt the same before he entered the double dungeon.
    And yeah... in retrospect, healer girl did kinda feel a degree of pity for him.

    Ughh. I rather much focus on Jin-ah's love story then

    gomini June 21, 2021 11:50 am
    He treats her just like a friend.. but hae in is the one he really loves.. you'll know if you read the novel and the side stories Tharrinne

    I've read it and i have reread it a few more times. I can't help but feel like their love story was forced. Here in the webtoon, i can see more subtle hints before tge date thingy, but in the novel... boy, it just kinda popped out of nowhere and it was dissociated from stuff. I will dare say that it was super forced in the novel.

    NamiKai June 21, 2021 3:23 pm
    He treats her just like a friend.. but hae in is the one he really loves.. you'll know if you read the novel and the side stories Tharrinne

    Ahhh... yeah... about that. It felt supplementary, those side stories. I'm sorry but it felt forced to me.