
Haruna June 19, 2021 1:26 pm

I'm totally fine with everyone shipping Paul with the wives but is no one going to tall about what Aino did??? Fucking piece of shit wants to force a marriage into someone who obviously finds him repulsive. I get that the emperor dude doesn't want to spend his life listening to the woes of that fucking asshole but is it really worth trading someone's happiness? He's the fucking emperor. All he needs to do is like fire that asshole or transfer him to a far away land or smth and that's that. But to the girl who's forced into marriage with someone she hates, she can't do anything bcs of status and gender. It's annoying and horrible

    MidoriMafu June 19, 2021 2:19 pm

    Well you answered your own question. Because of status and gender, the Emperor can't fire or send Aino away because the dude's have high status and is from a known family. He'd prioritize him because the girl's just a girl. Not saying I agree with the decision, just that it is the reality of their society and just because he has a female knight, doesn't instantly mean he'd stop making decisions that are unfair to women because he's grew up in a society where gender equality is not a thing that exists.