
imiteishia July 27, 2016 12:06 am

Can you do me a small favor? And tie up the one you love. Ill honesty buy you the ropes if you need them.
Letting the hot-headed sexy vampire dude take the lead literary screams out. "Ill do the fighting" does causing his life force to go down... He's already in-front of death doors. All he needs is to open it. :(
Or at least handcuff his hands together when the fighting starts. Thous, forcing him to sit out and let his honey do the fighting for him. Of course they could be used for kinky stuff much later. <3

    Yukio Takamiya July 27, 2016 12:32 pm

    (≧∀≦) I'm pretty sure that Frankie is plenty capable of buying ropes himself...that loaded dude. I totally agree that Rai should be chained up though. The guy is freaking killing himself!!! Their child may be in danger but Papa Frankie is macho enough to save M-21 alone, and Muzaka is there too! Ugh Rai, just take a goddamn break already! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Vibe2964 July 30, 2016 7:28 am

    Yes pappa Frankie and unkel Muzaka will do all the work, so mamma rai just need to sit still and not die

    Yukio Takamiya July 30, 2016 3:38 pm

    Yea...mama Rai worries too much