It being a story has nothing to do with the fact it isn’t right. The most likely reason the mc didn’t stop him was bc he thought he had to since yohan had told him it would help to stop having feelings for the other love interest. I appreciate the authors work, I really do, but this should have been brought out in a more consensual way. This, although you don’t wanna realize, isn’t full consent if not consent at all. If you are to justify “just because it’s fiction” to scenarios that include very triggering things, you aren’t right in your head. I get it’s fiction but the author should have made it a much more consensual way than having yohan guilt trip the mc knowing mc is gullible. It would have been better if they would have just made it so that the mc WANTED to have sex and felt READY to have sex. Not convincing him INTO having sex. You get the different wording here?
WANTING to and convinced INTO having sex are two very different things. If you agree what yohan did was correct then you are disgusting. At least have some decency to be able to say “you know what, yohan was wrong. He shouldn’t have done that” instead of trying to put the blame on one things which is “because it’s fiction”.

Oh I understand it very well... I have been sexually harassed by my own family member, friend and even strangers and I was as young as you that time too... Do you know how it feels when you don't know who to believe or not.. I can't even tell my mom I didn't know how to tell... I ever harassed by my boss as well so don't give me that... From childhood I faced this kind of things too many times... I know how disgusting it feels... You know everytime something like this happened with me I feel like ripping my skin of off my body... It's more horrific and disgusting then the imagination...
Because of this things happened with us doesn't mean we will go around say even little push or force as rape.. We don't do that.. Don't offend yourself I know it's not easy but just try to use you words in right place.. This is not a place to protest against this things when most of the stories belongs to this kind of content...

Did I ever said yohan was right... I never said that.. And you don't have any right to tell me im disgusting or not... You don't have any right to judge others... So mind your language... If someone is triggered they'll quite this as soon as possible not going to read farther... They're not going to claim to like this story which is Triggering them... Please be reasonable...

I’m very sorry you had to go through that. No one should have to experience that. If you are telling me this bc I said “I understand it very well” I didn’t mean it as in you didn’t know what it felt like. Even so, as someone who had been assaulted as well, by my uncle when I was 7, by my classmates when I was just in middle school, and have had much worse things happen to me that I would rather not speak of here, I do not in any way want you to think I meant what I said as you not understanding. But even so, I’m trying to justify the word consent and why it is important in that paragraph I wrote. Please go back at read the rest I said because I want you to understand why I think it is rape.

Again, I didn’t mean to offend you. If you read I said “IF”. Like you said, you never cleared up if you supported me hay yohan did as right or wrong which is why I said that just in case you did. I didn’t mean it in a disrespectful way and I would never want anyone thinking anything bad about what I comment unless it is a statement

I know I can feel you and it's normal for you to talk against this story... And It was also my uncle who claim in front of other members that im his daughter and all but did those nasty thing in alone it's so terrifying.. And you are correct in your place.. I totally agree.. But this is kind of different... That's what I trying to say it's look like rape indeed but it's not in some way... But let's just forget about this.. We shouldn't fighting over this...

I don't want to sound like I'm attacking you but, listen to yourself you called it (RAPE). just like we are saying it's rape yes the author didn't put a warning bc they might not see this as rape but it is to some ppl. All we are doing in the comments are talking about how the characters actions have made us feel and how we are seeing the characters in their true colors. the thing about all situations is that there are many different interpretations of what might be happening, you might see two ppl having sex and its all fine. I see and what others have seen is that this is rape. You victim blame the character by saying that if he didn't want this he would have kicked or pushed him away with his feet. That's a messed-up way of thinking if I do say so myself. In those types of situations in real life, you can have ppl that feeze and allow the action to happen to them. Will, you tell them to their faces that they wanted the action to happen. No, you wouldn't you would agree and support them because you know what happens to them was wrong. I know you said if this was real you wouldn't support it, but no one is saying they don't support the characters we just don't like their actions at the moment. Yes, the author didn't see it as rape or wrote it as such but, the vast majority of the readers that are here supporting are seeing it in one way. Which can happen in any situation,.Rape is rape and if you feel like you've been rape then that's what happen ppl like you are the reason that rape victims keep their stories to themselves and why rapist are able to find more victims. please next time you want to comment on a harsh and strong subject make sure you're not putting down one side over the other
Honestly, this is rape. Yohan doing this is rape. The other guy (I don’t remember his name) also kinda raped him bc our mc was drunk. This whole yaoi is filled with rape. If you don’t think this is rape then you are the problem. I have no problem explaining why it’s rape if you don’t understand, all you need to know is that this is rape.