I don’t like this

CayleeYaoi June 18, 2021 11:39 pm

Honestly, this is rape. Yohan doing this is rape. The other guy (I don’t remember his name) also kinda raped him bc our mc was drunk. This whole yaoi is filled with rape. If you don’t think this is rape then you are the problem. I have no problem explaining why it’s rape if you don’t understand, all you need to know is that this is rape.

    Wormie June 18, 2021 11:55 pm

    This time it isn’t rape because he consented idk what you mean?

    Angelina June 19, 2021 12:23 am

    I mean a lot of other manhwas have this type of plot idk why people are so against this one here

    Yaoi❤lover June 19, 2021 1:01 am

    it's not rape he said yes lilterly

    Yaoi❤lover June 19, 2021 1:01 am


    Tae's chim June 19, 2021 1:07 am

    If you don't like this why you are reading.. Just stop and find something you like... If you can't appreciate author's hard work and take fiction seriously then you shouldn't read this kinda thing...

    Alex June 19, 2021 4:55 am

    I agree it's rape in many ways. It's sad seeing how people are trying to change this around to "it's just a tory, or he consented". no, he consented to sex, not this bullcrap.

    CayleeYaoi June 19, 2021 5:06 am

    Im not saying I don’t like the story, I’m saying that this is rape. It’s rape bc even tho he agreed to it, he only did that bc Yohan insisted and guilt tripped him. Go back to the previous chapter and read when yohan asked to have sex, mc said no. He said no until Yohan started talking and saying things to try to convince mc. If mc didn’t want to from the Beginning and only agreed once Yohan started talking, that’s not consent. That’s guilt tripping into sex. You guys are crazy if you think that this isn’t rape. And even if you think it isn’t rape, you should see something wrong with it. It’s disgusting how you guys all just ignore the fact that this isn’t right. I’m not saying the author is a bad writer, trust me I love their work, I just don’t like how people think that this isn’t rape when clearly it is. Even if he “consented” to sex like you guys are saying, he didn’t agree to all those sex toys. It’s utter nonsense and bullshit. Alex is the only reasonable person here bc the rest of you are nuts. You guys are disgusting if you rlly don’t find ANTHING wrong with this.

    Alex June 19, 2021 5:22 am
    Im not saying I don’t like the story, I’m saying that this is rape. It’s rape bc even tho he agreed to it, he only did that bc Yohan insisted and guilt tripped him. Go back to the previous chapter and rea... CayleeYaoi

    that's what im saying consent is not present in the story clearly and fimly.

    CayleeYaoi June 19, 2021 5:25 am
    that's what im saying consent is not present in the story clearly and fimly. Alex

    Exactly, these people think I’m out to get their favorite yaoi but I’m not. I love this yaoi up to the point where they are not clearing up consent and guilt tripping the mc. They know mc is gullible and they use that as a way to use him. I don’t have a problem with the yaoi (besides that fact), I have a problem with the people who don’t think this is rape or don’t find anything wrong with this. It’s disgusting and ignorant and honestly quite sad.

    Alex June 19, 2021 5:33 am
    Exactly, these people think I’m out to get their favorite yaoi but I’m not. I love this yaoi up to the point where they are not clearing up consent and guilt tripping the mc. They know mc is gullible and th... CayleeYaoi

    Yeah but I think I'm done with this story. these actions are starting to become too much for me and there are putting me in a negative headspace. I don't like it, but I do like the art skills and the writing that the author has given for the most part. it looked like a good story at the beginning but it started to go downhill for me. (the lack of consent, communication, trust)

    CayleeYaoi June 19, 2021 5:37 am

    Honestly, as much as I do love the story I’m going to give it a break. I’m also tired of all the nonsense. If it doesn’t improve within the next few chapters I’m honestly done. I don’t like the lack of emotional interaction. It’s stupid and weird.

    CayleeYaoi June 19, 2021 5:40 am
    Yeah but I think I'm done with this story. these actions are starting to become too much for me and there are putting me in a negative headspace. I don't like it, but I do like the art skills and the writing th... Alex

    I’m at least glad that someone else has the proper common knowledge to realize that this is not right. Everyone else is ignorant and think “oh isn’t rape Bc he agreed

    Alex June 19, 2021 6:25 am
    I’m at least glad that someone else has the proper common knowledge to realize that this is not right. Everyone else is ignorant and think “oh isn’t rape Bc he agreed CayleeYaoi

    yeah it's disheartening to see ppl react and think these actions are ok, but I personally I can't see myself waiting for a change in the story it's lost my interest.

    CayleeYaoi June 19, 2021 2:39 pm

    Yeah I understand I hope you find something else that doesn’t put you in a bad mental state. Much love <3

    Wormie June 19, 2021 10:37 pm
    If you don't like this why you are reading.. Just stop and find something you like... If you can't appreciate author's hard work and take fiction seriously then you shouldn't read this kinda thing... Tae's chim

    Honestly they said that for the same reason you made this comment! People like sharing their opinions and ofc stuff like rape shouldn’t be normalised so ofc they’re gonna say something if they think it’s rape.. EVEN THO ITS NOT RAPE I disagree with their comment but also urs

    Tae's chim June 20, 2021 1:15 am
    Exactly, these people think I’m out to get their favorite yaoi but I’m not. I love this yaoi up to the point where they are not clearing up consent and guilt tripping the mc. They know mc is gullible and th... CayleeYaoi

    Ever heard about roleplay or kink.. It's people's preference... Some people act as if they are rapping or being raped... This seen like this don't take it seriously.. It's not like im supporting those people who rape .. But this is totally different thing you have to understand difference between them... If you don't trust me you can search it up on google..

    Tae's chim June 20, 2021 1:19 am
    Honestly they said that for the same reason you made this comment! People like sharing their opinions and ofc stuff like rape shouldn’t be normalised so ofc they’re gonna say something if they think it’s ... Wormie

    I'm not supporting rape or normalizing it... Bcz I know how it feels to sexual harassed I felt it myself... But they are just not understanding the situation... It is not rape... But raping is definitely a serious crime and punishable..

    CayleeYaoi June 20, 2021 1:44 am
    Ever heard about roleplay or kink.. It's people's preference... Some people act as if they are rapping or being raped... This seen like this don't take it seriously.. It's not like im supporting those people wh... Tae's chim

    Now this just isn’t right. Wtf is wrong with you. What the fuck are you talking about. I understand people’s preferences but rape being a kink? What the fuck. Although you said you don’t support people who rape you clearly don’t understand. Using those sex toys (which ik is a kink and role play) is acceptable as long as the other person also agrees. The Mc didn’t agree to sex toys, therefor that isn’t consent. You justify that people have preferences but when did Yohan EVER mention anything like “is it okay if I use sex toys?”.
    Did he say that? Did I miss something?
    It’s crazy how you try to justify the lack of consent with pure “preference”

    CayleeYaoi June 20, 2021 1:54 am
    I'm not supporting rape or normalizing it... Bcz I know how it feels to sexual harassed I felt it myself... But they are just not understanding the situation... It is not rape... But raping is definitely a seri... Tae's chim

    Listen. I have been sexually assaulted even as young as 7. I know about these types of things. If you don’t think it’s rape then what is it? Cause it SURELY is NOT consent. Guilt tripping into having sex is consent? Using sex toys without permission is consent? When did that become consent?

    Let me put it in a way you might understand.

    Let’s say i offer you a cupcake. It’s ugly and smells bad. You say you don’t want it. I tell you “why not? It tastes good. You’re hurting my feelings. You will love it I promise!”. I say those types of things up to the point when you finally say yes still a bit hesitant. Once you take the cupcake and bite into it, I then tell you, “oh, it has dog piss in it.” You didn’t taste the dog pee but still yelled at me and asked why I didn’t tell you. I say “it’s okay it’s still tasty right?” You don’t taste pee and only taste sugar and sweet chocolate, even so, it doesn’t mean it’s okay for me to not tell you that it had pee before you ate it.

    That is the exact situation that is happening right now just in a different format. It isn’t right that I pressured you into eating the cupcake even if you didn’t want to, and it isn’t okay for me to not have told you it had dog piss in it before you ate it. Therefor, IT IS NOT, I REPEAT, IT IS NOT okay for yohan to have done that.

    I know you understand rape is bad but I’m trying to make you understand how this (even if it “ isn’t rape” like you said) still is wrong and disgusting.

    Tae's chim June 20, 2021 2:10 am
    Now this just isn’t right. Wtf is wrong with you. What the fuck are you talking about. I understand people’s preferences but rape being a kink? What the fuck. Although you said you don’t support people wh... CayleeYaoi

    Did yohan stopped him no... His leg was not tied up he always can kicked him of or push him of when his hyung untied him no... How can you explain that... And I'm not even talking about Characters I'm saying to appreciate authors work.. Who's working hard and it is a fiction created by the author if it's their intention to show case this scene as rape there should be a warning but it's not there it means their intention is not promoting the rape.. I don't understand why are you dragging the characters here.. It's totally something coming out from someone's head.. It's not reality.. If it was a reality I was definitely going against the action.. You have to keep reality and imagination apart...