Actually according to the novel, (mtl) ml can’t have kids with anyone that isn’t part of his tribe/clan? So when the doctor give medicine that makes FL have pregnancy symptoms ML suspects that she cheated on him since he and the parents know he can’t have kids with her and FL doesn’t know this and doesn’t understand why he gets mad, seriously these two need better communication and then the trick is revealed and this is the start of where FL decides to show how the body exchange works and leaves ML for a small town until the cliché ML begs for forgiveness and all that jazz and then in the end they are able to have kids bc the two of them fulfilled some sort of special circumstance so they can have kids together
So the English translations by fans are on here
The complete novel is in Hangul and you can search it up with 당신의 이해를 돕기 위하여
All the spoilers and ending and random chapters explained are in here
According to a user, the official English translation is on radish.
I know that mtl corner used to have the novel but the site shuts down every once in awhile, so it’s iffy.
Dude!!! I read the raws and ever single one of them is trash but violet!!! Her in-laws will poison her so that she can’t ever have a baby and will make the doc convince violet she is pregnant. Winter is something else!!!! I know he was poor when he was a kid and was tormented and all but dude what does she have to do with all of that!!! She was so happy to think she is pregnant