Actually no, I disagree on this one, although I agree that this ship is definitely not anybody's cup of tea, very obviously at that. Associating Fiction with Reality is where I draw the line. What one ships stay online, you don't go around shipping real parents and children do you? If you say you associate Reality with Fiction, it would also be saying that you've actually IMAGINED someone to be together with their parents, in real life. That's the thing, what is fiction stay as fiction, and what is reality stay as reality. That is the most logical thing any adult would do. It's the same thing with many people liking male/female characters that did many hineous crimes (for example: Murder), you liking those characters would be because its fictional. Imagine a murderer in real life and I would like to see if you would enjoy being one of the victims under them.
Honestly the human brain is very interesting with different opinions of other ppl witch i do understand you pointing out we should not point at that fiction is fiction and real life is real life but do understand for some ppl on the internet we see online as our second home. And also in real life alot of ppl do tend to ship friends or strangers together idk what do u mean by dont do it? honestly shipping online and real life is particularly the same but ones physical and the other is not. Murder could be fiction and real life but in each ones a witness and the other is a real tragic event, but fir ppl who like murder as in a documentary is to brain storm for fun not thinking about murdering people (hopefully)
So to end it all just dont ship a father and daughter or any other family member together it’s disgusting. On the plus hand alot of bestfriends ship a friend with a friend if u see it may seem uncommon ti you or uncomfortable but it happens in real life alot especially in school. So idk if your guessing if i ship ppl in real life or not please di not come to conclusions with my life, and in real life i dont ship anyone with anyone unless they actually announced that they are consistent with their words of choosing so please understand this is a misunderstanding you took. Thank you <3
Im just pointing out the obvious of whats wrong with ppls method of thinking and ruining others experience with this lovely novel not trying to drag it down more with my opinion please do understand why ( ̄∇ ̄") plus by any “normal adult” i may not be an adult do think that you just predicted this “adult” maybe a young teenager that thinks alot of an “adults” brain thinking matters.
Hello! I would just like to add one little thing... a person who is uninterested in incest would never believe in this ship. All of our thoughts and feelings are born from our personal desires. This ship is pure incest. Even if it is fictional, it is incest. If you believe that incest is nasty, then you will believe that this ship is nasty. Likewise, if you think that incest is the cutest thing ever, then you will be unbothered by this ship.
The original post wanted to make a point that incest is nasty. Period. It will always be nasty... unless you somehow find a way to alter the biological consequences of inbreeding and completely flip flop the modern moral system :P
And even if it "stays online", the individual who harbor these thoughts do not stay online. They walk the streets. YES there are many people who support essentially morally "evil" characters, but that doesn't mean you can use their existence to justify those who ship a fictional father with his fictional daughter. Nasty people will always exist, but does that mean we should stay silent about it? And the webtoon makes it VERY CLEAR that Athy and Claude do not harbor sexual desires for the other. When Athy admires Claude's build etc. it's in the context of "wow this guy is good looking" and not "wow I want to bang him".
The only way to defend people who like incestuous ships is to defend incest itself. Fiction or not, you are defending the desire to mate with your family :D
I agree that the ship is disgusting, I don't ship them at all and I do not condone Incest. But what's online WILL stay online, people often mix it up with real life. For a very clear example, I like shotas, but I don't associate them with real children as I am logically able to associate differences with real children and fictional children. This person is still mixing up the fact that the person ship people in real life and wants to watch siblings personally f in real life, like personally i don't look at kids and go oh they are really damn hot
I think we all want to tell you that it doesnt matter if it’s fictional
This is about a daughter and father relationship and it was ment to express whats the ideal father and daughter relationship in a novel, And to some people in real life.
“But to those who ship them” In the nasty way, you need some help if you say that WELl THEIr FuCtuOn I Can Do WhAteVEr i WanT, Than let’s just say that if u go outside or talking to a friend and your friend or a random stranger started saying you and a family member look like couples, And should kiss and date and when you confront them to not do that since its your family member, so what if they say the same thing you said? “WElL ITS noT LikE yOur Actually DAtIng LoL So ImA ShiP U And YoUr FathEr together <33” thats what we ment by how disgusting you are and this is internet so for some or most of us we see the internet like the real world with real people it doesn't matter if it’s fictional thank u for reading <3