I get what you’re all saying, us saying that it’s fiction doesn’t change the fact that they’re minors, but you have understand that they are NOT real, it’s not the same of what you’re comparing it to.
We don’t support REAL minors being inside a yaoi or anything like that, but since it’s fake, it’s fine.
You could find this horrible and other people may think otherwise, it’s just what it is.
You knew what it was from the moment you saw the cover, don’t be surprised that they have dj’s like this, it’s not canon anyways.

Lol what i said, ''I just saw your pfp and laughed because you are talking like that when Seungho did a lot of thing.'' I didn't say I support CHILD PORN in 'real life' or 'fiction' either. You just claimed to me to being one. You said ''I liked it'' when I'm not showing any signs of that. When even I told you I'm NOT.
''I can't feel like you're sincere when you have him on your pfp.'' x2
But you have it S*ungho as a pfp and I took that sign as you're ok with it,, so. Should stop to legitimizing it. And accept the facts. Open your eyes and don't force yourself not to understand the whole point.

you literally said “at the end of the day they’re just fictional characters” that’s enough evidence to show you support child porn because reki and langa are fictional so it doesn’t matter to you now right? i don’t think i need to open my eyes i think YOU do because you’re not taking how serious sexualising minors is to a larger perspective.

anyways that's not not even worth to talk,,,,,, we shouldn't even talk about this in this century. i got what you're saying, (you're wrong about me and that's make me nervous)
i didn't claimed you support with rape etc. just said u have him as pfp and that doesn't match with your words
you still don't match with words, you're saying it's fictional and that's makes people support in bad things real life but you have a rapist abuser s***** as your pfp, that makes people think it's ok loving the rapist either. don't contradict yourself.
they’re minors… this is so wrong