first of all i don’t chill with seungho. i don’t support any of his actions. he’s always just been my pfp since i made my acc. second, i don’t see how that correlates with the point here about sexualising minors. sexualising minors is wrong end off. and if you don’t see anything wrong with that then you have issues.

Mhm u do know this is pratical fiction right i agree its wrong but this doesnt stand with Fictions they dont exist and if ur worried bout minors problem easy thing just change the age if ur gonna complain bout how its not following the og then f off why r u sounding fiction a story that characters arent even real with social reality to what ends r u pointing theres a border line between fiction and reality

I didn't say anything about the manga is right or wrong. I don't support minors sexualising and etc. I just saw your pfp and laughed because you are talking like that when Seungho did a lot of thing. I can't feel like you're sincere when you have him on your pfp. Rape, abuse, kidnapping, keeping someone with force by your side, threat someone etc. If you're not supporting and don't like minors sexualising you should start with yourself. I mean start with not support him. And don't legitimize what he did. You're contradicting yourself with these actions.
In the end of the day all of them are fictional characters and they even don't real. But if this makes you uncomfortable and makes you talk about it, you should uncomfortable that too and should not support it either.

fiction or real life both wrong. don’t try to justify it. yaoi doujinshis of minors feeds into the sick fantasies pedophiles have and also normalises child pornography in real life. this is to everyone saying they’re just fictional so it doesn’t matter as if that makes it okay. also nowhere did i say i support seungho or legitimised his actions i clearly stated that i DO NOT. please read carefully before you respond x
they’re minors… this is so wrong