
ulthunie June 18, 2021 12:02 pm

I see a lot of people hating on Doctor and saying that he's a bad bf to Hyuk and I don't know, I feel like Doctor didn't really do anything bad to Hyuk specifically. Like when they still had a doctor patient relationship with some flirting, yes he was still having sex with other guys, but also that's not really cheating cause at that point he was not in a committed relationship with Hyuk. However, when they started being in a relationship Doctor cut off his ties with his fuck buddies. His friends also notes that he's acting differently with Hyuk, and his co-workers note that he's more romantic than they initially perceived. I think that at least shows to some extent that Doctor cares about Hyuk and is changing for him. Like just because he was promiscuous or a playboy in the past doesn't mean he's necessarily treating Hyuk badly. However, I do agree that Karma's a bitch, and I think Doctor's real mistake here is trying to hide his past from Hyuk. To some extent I understand that telling someone you used to be shitty when you want to start a relationship with them is pretty scary. However, Doctor has such a known rep that he's a sneaky playboy, and even if he knows in his heart that Hyuk is different, the people who know his past won't believe him. Like no matter how much he tries to hide it, rumors spread and Hyuk would always eventually found out. Doctor trying to hide it makes him more suspicious and lends to Hyuk believing the rumors more rather than giving Doctor benefit of the doubt. Like it's pretty clear that's it gonna lead to a misunderstanding that hurts both of them. I just think Doctor really does care about Hyuk and is genuinely not playing with his emotions, however, he also has to pay the consequences for his past and present mistakes. I hope that this relationship and the pain/problems that come along the way will make him realize the error of his ways and truly become a better person.
