thats a good point actually... hmm ok that could help finish up the plot. as michas imloce tjis manga i feel like its being dragged out too much Baby_blu
hum, i thouht about something like "kissing', cause they haven't kissied yet, and in terms this is something very intimate for Shirotani Lyns
Good one. That's true, wen making the list, I think ''having sex'' was the last thing on hes mind.... But toughing himself, and being called disgusting 'cous of it, caused he's trauma so....
Good one. That's true, wen making the list, I think ''having sex'' was the last thing on hes mind.... But toughing himself, and being called disgusting 'cous of it, caused he's trauma so.... Luly
Could the 10th item be making someone else "just as filthy"