Do you know what rape culture is? Rape culture is the NORMALIZING and TRIVIALIZING of sexual abuse. This is done in many ways but one of those ways is by creating porn of sex abuse victims. Stop acting like rape culture is harmless. You are a piece of shit that enioys when people are sexually abused. You would no t be acting like this if it was a manga of children being raped for pedophiles. But you are the same as them. Fuck you, stop pretending you are against rape fucking prorapist.

What the hell is your problem? If you got a problem than just leave. You don't have to curse other people because of this. Also, don't compare us to real rapist. You think you cursing other people will help decrease the amount of rapist around us? You think with your cursing you can stop those freaking rapist? No. Absolutely not. Leave the freaking book alone if you're so disgusted of the idea of rape.

You should be disgusted by rape, you sick fuck. I have the right to apeak out against rapists. I have the right to speak out against those who support rape.
You are evil rapist pigs who are part of why 1 in 3 women are assaulted, 1 in 5 are raped. You are disgusting rapist people who actively support rape and rapists. Fuck you and your evil desires. Fuck all rapists and those who support them.
Yoi definitely know a rape victim. I hope one day they find out what a shitty, evil prorape person you are and show you how much you hurt rape victims by enjoying rape - like a rapist or pedophile. Fuck you

Bro, you're probably a 15-year-old SJW who thinks that by defending some 2D characters you're changing the world for the better...news flash you're not...you're not helping anyone. If you want to do some real good go volunteer somewhere that helps victims of sex abuse or something don't come here and attack people for reading what they want. There are a shit ton of books and the fact that you actively went out of your way to curse these people doesn't make you better or noble. You're doing this for attention. You want people to respond. Guess what they have. Did it feel good to have that five minutes of fame while making others feel like shit? You likely don't know that most victims of these kinds of things don't actually give a shit about this type of media (manga that depicts some cnc or dubious consent). It's the ones where you stigmatize the victim that really is the shit that drives them. Drives me. Now I'm not going to get into my shit cause it ain't your business but coming here yelling at people due to your own weird sense of justice just leave them alone. Mind your business you might have the right to speak your mind but clearly, there should be some part of you that considers what is to be said and what should remain to ones self.

There is a line between fiction and reality are you saying you are not mature enough to distinguish the two of them and recognize right from wrong? That this piece is so influential that it will cause anyone who reads it to become a rapist...yeah okay sure. Then I'm going to go read a whole lot of martial arts and cooking manga and we'll see that I become the next Bruce Lee and Gordon Ramsey alright cause that's the kind of logic you're putting out there.

Research has shown that people who fetishize rape are more like to sexually abuse, support abusers, and have low empathy for victims.
You should be against rape. You are legit rape sick people who have no empathy for victims and support rapists. The mangwa is fake, but your support for rape and prorape content isnt. Would you be talking about this to child rape porn?

Could you please send these sources? I'm pretty sure everyone here is against rape against real people cause it affects real people. Prorape content what even, child, no one ever said they supported rape. I'm gonna need you to step out of your emotions and use that god gifted left brain to think logically for a second. There are things to be consumed for knowledge and things to be consumed for entertainment. Why is that so hard to understand? If this is such a tough pill for you to swallow maybe you shouldn't be here, reading this, go outside and do something that helps people instead of coming here to curse people cause that isn't the way to get people to listen that is the only way you're going to get ignored. This isn't a discussion. You are trying to force a mindset on someone who is uninfluenced by the content they are reading because they already know what is and isn't acceptable. Not all of us are a bunch of children with brains easily molded by what's put in front of us.

How is this even an argument you’re once again comparing reality with fiction people are allowed to like what they want but yes there’s a line they shouldn’t cross like me for example I love reading fictional stories containing rape, cheating , abuse, etc but just because I like them in fantasy doesn’t mean I like them in real life cheaters disgust me rapist should be given the death penalty and abusers should be locked away in a mental institution. There’s a line people should never cross when liking something so unless your telling me your easily influenced by what you read what gives you the right to judge us because how I see it YOU are the only danger to us and our children by spreading misinformation and paranoia
Hold up I am shook ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄