See a criminal record is different.
Therapy isn't just for crazy people you know, it's helpful for people with less "crazy" Problems too, like trauma therapy.
It would be different if your trauma makes you violent then they could have an extra certificate from the therapist that they are safe in a public environment.
People suffering from depression need therapy too, what about people with other problems like ADHD and Autism?
Those people are desperate need of help so they can have the same easier life everyone lives. It's not because they are harmful to others but because even mundane things like focussing is harder for people with ADHD, ADD, and Autism has its own different problems but none of them would hurt others in any way.
It's more of a problem in self, doesn't affect others so why does that matter in work place?
Just having therapy on record would put you off of a lot of working positions which is just wrong.
Therapy isn't the problem it's literally help for people, for many it's a saving grace.
If it's still scary then it should be okay to get a recommended letter from your therapist that you are capable of working in public spaces at most.
These kind of things are the reason people die or live miserably, get worse until they are the reason the next generation is going through even worse things and turn around to call people "sensitive snowflakes" Or worse the become abusive, Because they didn't get help when they should have.

I totally agree with you, I was just saying why they need it, it can be important sometime for an employer to know who they hire, and if something can happen, but like you I do not agree with the fact that this is a ground for refusing hire someone (Unless the person is not able to work and always has serious problems). But to know who you hire, if the person has suicidal thoughts, or even violent etc... At least you know. The world of work is not easy but if I were an employer I would like to know if my employees have problems, whether to help them in case of need or understand why they need a break etc...
The medical records thing is fucking crazy and fucked up but an unfortunate reality.
This is why people who need help can't get help even though they desperately need it.
The way they are trying to sort things isn't exactly healthy in any manner but it's not like they have any choice, they are just trying to get better any way they can.