
Kaikaikai June 18, 2021 7:09 am

I always feel mixed emotions with this manhwa. I love Jiri and I want him to be alive again, be youthful and enthusiastic again like before. And honestly, I don't hate Yuri, I never did not like him. He has a different way of thinking and expressing himself, and he's a good friend with the guy on the other manhwa. When I read comments about his shitty personality, I always ask myself if I read the same chap as them hahahaha coz I don't get the hate. Sure, he does and speak hurtful words to Jiri, but as the same time, isn't he the only character in this story that shows (not just words) care to Jiri? Like when he's drunk, doesn't eat, and now, about dating. I'll wait for the time that the depressing pasts and situations be fixed and they smile genuinely to each like before.

    cardami June 18, 2021 7:45 am

    I feel the same
    I really like the story and characters
    But yuri is always angry and insulting people, and I think it's frustrating because we don't know when he's gonna change
    Or cry