Yeah that was the issue for the first timeline but probably the same things won’t happen as the first timeline so I dont think curse will work(something happened her mother while processing the curse) because you know that’s a manhwa and they should end up happy and together etc. But the point is does she believe she and ditrian will effect the curse for the second time

Yeah ... I think so too !
Ditrian with the power of dragon He can reverse the Curse
When he held Leticia in his arm... the pain became weak and as a side effect ..
Leticia's mother wrist became hmmnn like that (Idk how to put it in words but yeah!)
So all he needs is to stay beside Leticia!!
But He couldn't do it in the first timeline because he was fighting and then the seconds he noticed.. he then leaved her to go to (Leticia's mother) to ask the way to lift the curse "which is ofcourse his dead body"
But that's not the only way to lift the curse
Does mc think she’s going to die because of the curse after 6 months ?