All this time. I believed in her, trusted that she would stand up for herself, leave them all, get some character development. And all the "male leads" would reflect on their terrible behavior and change. But noooooooo. like I don't wanna blame the mc too much cause abuse victims often are conditioned to become the way they are, but at this point, it's almost as if the manga is saying abusive relationships are something "cute" to have. Those men deserve nothing but poo.
Fr i craving manga stories where the MC got the guts to left all abusive 'male leads' and standup for herself but alas that's rarer than dragon apparently
All this time. I believed in her, trusted that she would stand up for herself, leave them all, get some character development. And all the "male leads" would reflect on their terrible behavior and change. But noooooooo. like I don't wanna blame the mc too much cause abuse victims often are conditioned to become the way they are, but at this point, it's almost as if the manga is saying abusive relationships are something "cute" to have. Those men deserve nothing but poo.