
In the previous chapter someone provided me with the link to the novel, I haven't caught up to this part but I have read plenty and let me tell you I fucking love their relationship. He genuinely cares for her but she also genuinely believed she doesn't deserve anything and that she is ugly. All those words her horrible mother told her? She believed every single last one of them and she still does. And whenever Ced does something or says something nice she blushes and this little tiny hope and happiness inside of her grows and I love it (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
Ugh, Cedric is pretty great no messing around just straight 'don't try and hook me up with someone else,' 'I this to be a real marriage,' 'I know you plot, you don't have to explain, I trust you' that could easily have been angst and instead we get straight relationship building I love it