Penelope is dead. When the game is almost at it's end she gets the choice to either go back to her world in which she is in a coma while surrounded by her real brothers who start to feel bad and her father, since they're a wealthy family even media gets involved, but her father is truly searching for a good surgeon there, or she can choose to stay in this world (i won't spoil the ending since you should really read it it's an amazing story, I'll give you the link https://www.lightnovelpub.com/novel/death-is-the-only-ending-for-the-villain-novel-01061434 ) Yvonne is basically evil and resurrected, like she lived in the novel multiple times, since she says to Penelope that she loved the sight of her crying whenever Yvonne was treated kindly by the male leads while victimizing herself. (Please go and read the novel i don't want to spoil how Penelope came to meet Yvonne since it's one of the most amazing chapters and is better when you read it while being clueless, it's worth it) but her family is shocked upon hearing her coming back, the person who was the closest to her was Derick while papa the duke and pinky pie were defensive, even fights occur between them since she's kind of an important evil person that the empire is searching for, but yeah she manipulates everyone but Emily was of a great help dealing win that nasty witch
Can someone tell me what happened to Yvonne and what is this original Penelope people are mentioning? Does the original Penelope get a happier ending too? Also what happened with the MCs real family in the end?