Well I'm not defending taesing . He's possessive and insecure and though he didn't want sooyoung to get hurt by kang il that bad, but he wanted sooyoung to be dependent more on him...however before kang il kidnapped sooyoung do not forget that taesung warned sooyoung countless times not to get hurt.
I prefer taesung to rapist minhyuk that's all

Seeeee, but that’s where him even saying that becomes an issue. Yes Tae wants him to be more dependent on him, but isn’t given Sooyong a valid reason to fully trust him, and give himself fully to him. Using fear as I said before to keep Sooyong where Tae “needs” him is not the way to go about it, and will just continue to keep this cycle of manipulation/abuse etc going. Tae literally warned him by saying, “I’ll break your other leg and arm and carry you around with me.” That’s not excusable by any means. He was willing to let Sooyong get PERMANENTLY injured by those guys who were going to kidnap him, and/or drive him towards permanent brain damage just so he can keep him around, and under his control. Even the doctor was having internal dialogue concerning Sooyongs state if he were to stick around Tae
All of this is about control. The control that Tae yearns to have over Sooyong. Not love, or genuinely caring about him. Just pure ole obsession. Very much toxic and very much inexcusable. Minhyuk is a sexual predator, and how he took advantage of Sooyong was and is inexcusable. I genuinely don’t like him but I could argue that Tae is just as bad. As I said before he’s using the power that he has over Sooyong to keep and do what he pleases with him. Just because they’re in a relationship doesn’t mean that everything that Tae does (specifically when looking at sexual acts) are consensual. Especially after the last time. At this point I would prefer to see him with someone else who is better fit, or by himself, but as we know with stories as such especially with how far we are in, Tae and him will probably stay together. If that becomes the case, hopefully we see DRASTIC character development in Taes part, and even Sooyong.

I feel taesung loves him but his love is too possessive. What do possessive people fear of? Losing their possession. Tae is insecure his father was probably a mafia boss and he has probably never been loved. How could he know a healthy love? He is toxic but he is not a RAPIST. And I prefer an insecure possessive guy over a rapist guy who assault you in your sleep.
Btw look at the cover of the manhwa... taesung kissing sooyoung's feet. Sooyoung is the only person who treats taesung as an equal...he kicks him speaks informally with him and etc. They will probably become equal after some development

"Tae literally warned him by saying, “I’ll break your other leg and arm and carry you around with me.”
But Taesung didn't still do any of that. In the end, it's just more or less a threat. Why do people keep bringing that up even though Taesung hasn't really done any of that.
" He was willing to let Sooyong get PERMANENTLY injured by those guys who were going to kidnap him, and/or drive him towards permanent brain damage just so he can keep him around,"
False. He wasn't willing to get him permanently injured. He just wanted him to get hurt. He was trying to make a point, that was his plant. However, he did not expect the stabbing. Taesung clearly knew he fucked up when he saw Sooyung stabbed. You can see the regret on his face on that panel after he delivered Sooyung to the hospital. He even said to himself afterwards "I almost got Sooyung killed huh?" He knew he fucked up and that he could've lost Sooyung at that moment. That's why after that chapter, he's even more possessive and "overly protective" of Sooyung. He wants to keep him even closer because he nearly lost him once.
As for the brain damage, if I recall correctly, Taesung didn't know that. The doctor only told Sooyung and Sooyung didn't say anything to Taesung about it yet.
"All of this is about control."
You see that's where I really disagree with a lot of poeple here. Poeple just states that there's no love here, and that's it's all just abuse and abuse. But there is. Taesung is infatuated with Sooyung. That's why he is so obsessed and possesive of him. That's the reason why he lets Sooyung call him dog or even pat his head. Not many people see it but Sooyung has one of the biggest control over Taesung. But Sooyung doesn't exercise this power because that's not his character.
" I genuinely don’t like him but I could argue that Tae is just as bad. "
Again, I highly disagree. I think Minhyuk is much worse, considering what he did to Sooyung, Dohyun, and what he does in general (fucking with other poeple and etc.). He's even more so in the upcoming chapter.
Not saying Taesung is a good guy. Basically I'm just siding to the lesser of two evils here.
"see DRASTIC character development in Taes part,"
I think he will when Sooyung learns of the truth that Taesung is desperately trying to hide from him.

"How could he know a healthy love?"
Exactly. Taesung clearly loves and is infatuated with Sooyung. The issue with him is his ways of expressing or doing it.
Like the choking incident. Sooyung deliberately aggravated Taesung. Taesung in a state of rage choked Sooyung for a little while. But immediately realizes his mistake and even apologized to Sooyung. Even afterwards, Taesung again apologized to Sooyung, asking if he was really fine to which Sooyung replied yes he is because he is strong. Taesung replied with "you're not strong" and then proceeded to explain to Sooyung everything, about who was that woman he was talking too, to clear up Sooyung's jealousy which was the cause of the fighting in the first place.
"Sooyoung is the only person who treats taesung as an equal...he kicks him speaks informally with him and etc."
True. Sooyung is the only person that has done this things to Taesung, and Taesung let's him. Sooyung have as much control/power over Taesung but the issue is, Taesung is more assertive and it's not just in Sooyung's character to exercise this power. That's why the power balance seems more skewed to Taesung.
"They will probably become equal after some development"
I think so too. Taesung clearly grew up in a bad environment and that explains his behavior. I think it will be Sooyung who will acts as leash on Taesung's behavior.

I appreciate your perspective, and has me taking certain things into account, but I think I’ll agree to disagree in certain aspects.
I believe the reason why people continue to bring up what Tae said, me included is because of the correlation between his threat and the title of the story. Somewhat eluding to the fact that it will happen. Not saying that it will, but it gives off that feeling. Yes Tae hasn’t done it as of yet, nor is he aware of the permanent brain damage that Sooyong will be susceptible to if he continues to get injured, but I think that the fact that he used that as a threat to maintain control over Sooyong is just as bad. It’s like fear mongering. That is something that I’m pretty sure stuck with many readers, and when looking at recent events, it’s most likely there to help build suspense, still in my eyes doesn’t excuse the fact that he made that threat. It’s not that he hasn’t followed through on his threat, it’s the fact that he made the threat in the first place is why I feel as though it continues to hold great significance.
In regards to the permanently injuring him. As you said he obviously regretted allowing it to get as far as it did. I think consciously he wishes no harm to come to Sooyong, and wants him to take better care of himself, hence why he wants him to be dependent on him because Tae believes in his eyes that as long as Sooyong stays by his side, no harm shall come to him. Which when looking at it from the doctors perspective, he obvious believes the complete opposite. Which I don’t blame him. We’ve seen from almost everyone’s perspectives the dynamic between our protagonist and his main love interest, and how…..interesting it is to say the least. Taes behavior is very dangerous. Not only for himself but for the people around him. It bothers me because since he had already known about what was going to happen to sooyong, he could of prevented it completely, but he still allowed it to happen, even if he didn’t expect for Sooyongs life to be in grave danger. That’s what bothers me.
I almost completely agree with you. Sooyong has so much control over Tae, hence why he allows him to call him master and dehumanizes himself(calling him a dog). I think that control though is there because of his obsession with Sooyong, which is never good in this case because it causes him to do some unpredictable things. I think it’s fair that people don’t believe that it’s love, only pure obsession because of how Tae acts in accord to this. The control that Sooyong has over Tae gives Tae the control that he has over him in every other aspects. Monitoring his every move, not allowing him to go outside unless it’s under his conditions (without giving him a valid explaination as to why) etc. If there was more communication on Tae’s part, a lot of this divide between readers I believe wouldn’t be as drastic. Sooyong doesn’t exercise this power as you said because it isn’t in his character to, but I think that Tae uses that to his advantage. Optimizing the control he has over him.
As I said, I don’t like Minhyuk at all. What he did to Sooyong is inexcusable and don’t want to see any further development in their “relationship”. He is a rapist…..point blank. My point is that Tae, going back to the whole power/control dynamic, since Sooyong doesn’t utilize the control that he had over Tae, Tae in return is given more control over Sooyong, resulting in him doing a lot of unfavorable things to Sooyong. As I said just because they’re in a relationship, full consent is still things, and in a lot of these types of stories you see that not really being acknowledged, and almost normalized as okay because he “wants it”, while he’s saying he doesn’t, but he does??? Make it make sense. I think it’s just all about wording and the build up. If I knit picked at everything though, then I just wouldn’t be able to read half of the stories that are actually good.
I am interested though to see what happens once Sooyong finds out Taes secret. I think that’s going to turn a lot of things on it’s head.
My criticism involving the progression of the story isn’t because I’m trying to shit on it, and hate Tae. In fact it’s the complete opposite. I think the best stories are ones that have such a divide in the readers feelings. It keeps the conversation going. I want to be able to talk with people who all have different opinions on how they feel to further open dialogue. In my eyes it isn’t about who’s wrong or right, because there isn’t any definitive wrong or right way to feel about this. Also I want to be able to have a different perspective on it. Just because I feel someway now, doesn’t mean that my mind can’t change later on. Reading your response made me rethink about a couple of things. To start I can see where you are coming from in terms of the love he has for Sooyong. It’s still a little…concerning to me due to Taes behavior so far, but I think looking back to beginning, initially this relationship progressed the way it did because of the love he has for Sooyong. It’s just Taes kind of gotten lost in it all if that makes sense. Hopefully that changes though in the future.
I think also my problem is that I looked at a lot of this stuff in real life terms, which it’s not real life, but if it was EVERYTHING WOULD NOT BE OKAY. That’s my fault though, so I apologize if I offended anyone with my hardcore criticism.

Yesss. I do agree. You hit it in the head. His insecurities are what lead him to how he treats Sooyong. He fears loosing him. That’s an issue though that could be easily fixed if there was more communication between the two. Yes he is toxic and not a rapist as Minhyuk, that’s not what I was getting at. I think because I look at a lot of these things in real life terms, I wouldn’t prefer either one. Taes obsession as of now can only get more and more dangerous as time progresses if there isn’t any real dialogue between the two. Sooyong does love Tae, and treats him as a real regular person, as you said. I believe that’s why he clings to him so strongly. You’re right though, once all this drama comes to a head I think we’ll see some drastic developments in their relationship. I’m rooting for Tae and Sooyongs relationship, I just want it to get some more healthy development before they continue on. Tae isn’t irredeemable like Minhyuk. He’s the second best to Sooyong being by himself, which I’m sure won’t happen.

Whoah okay let me say first that your response is one of the best I've ever gotten from here. You actually took my opinion carefully and thought of it carefully while still maintaining your own opinions about it, instead of just devaluing my opinion by jsut saying I'm a Taesung simp. This is like one the most mature and well-rounded response I've ever gotten here so far.
Now moving on.
"It’s not that he hasn’t followed through on his threat, it’s the fact that he made the threat in the first place is why I feel as though it continues to hold great significance."
That's a valid concern. But to me, the title just seems more like a metaphor rather than being literal. Taesung has said a lot of things, that's in his character. But so far he has done no literal harm to Sooyung and he has quite a few times stopped or were concerned for Sooyung when he takes things way too far. This is why Taesung's threat didn't hold that much value to me because so far Taesung acts like he really doesn't want seeing Sooyung injured. Although I must admit there could be a possibility that the threat may come true. However, as there seems no signs of it occurring yet, the threat holds no weight for me.
"It bothers me because since he had already known about what was going to happen to sooyong, he could of prevented it completely, but he still allowed it to happen, even if he didn’t expect for Sooyongs life to be in grave danger. That’s what bothers me."
Another valid concern. However, the reason why it doesn't bother me is because Taesung clearly doesn't know how to" love properly" that's why he can only think of that twisted plan. It was effective, honestly, but twisted nonetheless. At that point you see, Taesung really thought that that plan of his was the best course of action for him to make Sooyung stay with him on his own accord. He could've honestly just forced Sooyung to stay with him but he knows that this will highly likely strain his relationship with him. Thus, knowing how Sooyung is quite stubborn and doesn't shy away from fights, he allowed his enemies to hurt Sooyung to make his point and make Sooyung realize by himself how relatively speaking, his already shitty life would be way shittier if he is not at Taesung's side.
However, Taesung clearly didn't thought this plan through and thus the unforeseen stabbing occurred. That's why he regretted it afterwards because he could've lost Sooyung at that point. And I think that Taesung doesn't plan on doing that kind of thing again which is why I noticed he became kinda more and more possessive and overly protective of Sooyung after that incident, so that that sort of thing won't happen again.
"If there was more communication on Tae’s part, a lot of this divide between readers I believe wouldn’t be as drastic. Sooyong doesn’t exercise this power as you said because it isn’t in his character to, but I think that Tae uses that to his advantage."
I can't deny that Taesung is obsessed with Sooyung but to be fair, loving someone makes you obsessed of them too. Although his obsession is what does makes Taesung let Sooyung do all these things to him, I also think that he sees Sooyung as an equal that's why he allows Sooyung to do these things to him. Taesung gives special treatment to Sooyung. Taesung usually just lies to Sooyung when it comes to his shady business or that thing about his uncle because Taesung fears Sooyung knowing those sort of things might cause Sooyung to leave him. However, Taesung is pretty much honest to Sooyung when it comes to other things, like who was that woman he was talking to that made Sooyung jealous so much.
I think that the reason why this power divide is skewed to Taesung is because Taesung is just way more assertive than Sooyung. I think when the truth about his uncle is finally revealed is where we will probably begin seeing this power divide disappear as Taesung will no longer have to exert more power over Sooyung to keep these secrets from him. Just like you said, if Taesung was just more honest and communicated more to Sooyung (which he does to a certain degree) a lot of this divide won't be as drastic.
"Tae in return is given more control over Sooyong, resulting in him doing a lot of unfavorable things to Sooyong."
I think this is also caused by Taesung being too insecure and posessive of Sooyung and he really greatly fears losing Sooyung that's why he exerts so much control so that he can make Sooyung stay close to him. I also think this issue may disappear once the truth about the uncle is revealed.
"As I said just because they’re in a relationship, full consent is still things, and in a lot of these types of stories you see that not really being acknowledged, and almost normalized as okay because he “wants it”, while he’s saying he doesn’t, but he does???"
The reason why this doesn't bother me as much because Sooyung himself doesn't really state or even think afterwards how much he disliked/hated all those things, or how he doesn't want to experience those again. A lot of those times Sooyung seems like he's really enjoying it and he even thinks himself how's he enjoying it as well. I can't deny however that it is quite dubious in nature but as we have seen repeatedly when they have sex, it just seems to be their thing.
"It’s still a little…concerning to me due to Taes behavior so far, but I think looking back to beginning, initially this relationship progressed the way it did because of the love he has for Sooyong. It’s just Taes kind of gotten lost in it all if that makes sense. Hopefully that changes though in the future."
That's fair. I will admit that I might be a little biased since I actually have a thing for " large dangerous" partners (Taesung) but their lovers has great power or control over them (Sooyung) dynamic. So I kinda have an attraction for large dangerous partners. (I will say however that I don't have even the slightest masochistic tendencies nor the desire to be dominated or controlled. The reason why this is appealing to me is because it's just similar to a lion and his owner. Like the lion could easily kill his handler but it doesn't because it likes/loves its handler.)
I also think this progressed because of his love for Sooyung. The problem is, even tho Taesung really wants to be and do better for Sooyung, because of his upbringing he only does those things that causes more issue. I think it will be Sooyung that will act as some sort of guide for Taesung to be truly better. But that has not happened yet.
"I think also my problem is that I looked at a lot of this stuff in real life terms, which it’s not real life,"
No I think you were just looking at this with a "normal" perspective. You were comparing this on standards of what "normal relationship" are. But that isn't the case for this one because Taesung is a literal ruthless gangster boss is here so a lot of those "normal standards" won't work here. What's happening here is just on the same coin but occurring on its other and much darker side.

Thank you queen! I really appreciate that! When people feel their views and/or opinions being challenged, atleast in regards to people who are immature, they seem to take a defensive stance, instead of actually trying to understand where the person is coming from, and give their own responses without offending. Some people honestly just lack that skill. Them calling you a simp is ridiculous. Alot of people don’t even know how to use that word correctly, and/or couldn’t find a better response/comeback to your opinions. You’re not a simp because you have an opinion that that person may not respect or know how to respond too. Sad on their part
Yes, this story has a warning, and obviously is gonna be toxico asf, but people trying to justify Tae’s behavior is concerning. Yes Sooyong likes rough sex, but that doesn’t give Tae the right to be so possessive over Sooyong. How he manipulates him, and basically is okay with PERMANENTLY INJURING HIM just so he can stay by his side is really scary. They’re in a relationship, this giving Sooyong a valid reason to be worried when Tae isn’t honest about something, or acting suspicious. Sooyong isn’t asking to be treated like he can’t do things for himself and to be manipulated and all of the things under that umbrella. If he wants to go outside, since Tae isn’t being honest about why he shouldn’t and just using fear and sex to keep him where he is then he should still be able to do as he pleases. He’s still a human being. Not an inanimate object. He has found himself in a very compromising position. Obviously he cares for Tae, but can’t fully trust him, and he has every reason not to. That man can be scary, even his subordinates notices it. It’s getting out of hand.