I can't believe they're making her feel bad for thinking that a student-teacher realations...

some perv June 17, 2021 10:41 am

I can't believe they're making her feel bad for thinking that a student-teacher realationship is bad. It IS bad, very bad.

    Shiz3 June 17, 2021 10:50 am

    Still theres no sign of a toxic relationship from either sides she barely has any proof
    Its their life if theyre happy why not just leave them be

    some perv June 17, 2021 11:06 am
    Still theres no sign of a toxic relationship from either sides she barely has any proofIts their life if theyre happy why not just leave them be Shiz3

    It's still immoral to date a student and illegal to date a minor.
    In fact she's being very nice by not reporting them to the authorities and yet he has the nerve to shame her.

    otakuness June 17, 2021 5:20 pm

    its mainly platonic (if you ignore their kisses)

    Shiz3 June 17, 2021 6:00 pm
    its mainly platonic (if you ignore their kisses) otakuness

    Exactly its more of an emotional relation rather than sexual

    some perv June 17, 2021 7:00 pm
    its mainly platonic (if you ignore their kisses) otakuness

    Sexless is not the same as platonic. A couple who kiss each other is not platonic. Furthermore you must have forgotten the time he went down on her.

    Btw, the "platonic" defense wouldn't hold up in court (because it's ridiculous).

    otakuness June 17, 2021 8:05 pm
    Sexless is not the same as platonic. A couple who kiss each other is not platonic. Furthermore you must have forgotten the time he went down on her.Btw, the "platonic" defense wouldn't hold up in court (because... some perv

    Well I agree with most of what you said but if you search up what a platonic relationship is it says, "Platonic love is a type of love that is not sexual". Their love isnt sexual (except the time he went down on her)

    some perv June 17, 2021 8:30 pm
    Well I agree with most of what you said but if you search up what a platonic relationship is it says, "Platonic love is a type of love that is not sexual". Their love isnt sexual (except the time he went down o... otakuness

    If their love wasn't sexual then he wouldn't have went down on her.

    plinky25 July 9, 2021 4:17 am

    They’re making her “feel bad” because of what she is: nosy. It’s none of her business at all with whatever happens to them. He’s angry at her because she butts into his own business and talks about someone/something she doesn’t know anything about. A person who is irrelevant to him, trying to talk about what’s best for him is annoying.

    She definitely isn’t mad at them for their relationship of being a student and teacher. You missed the point of why she’s trying to get between them. It’s because SHE LIKES HIM, she couldn’t care less if the person he likes is a teacher. She just doesn’t like the girl he has a crush on, and is using his crush’s position to have a chance with him.

    Don’t get me wrong- I think you chose the wrong character to try and pin the “they’re saying the right thing” on. If you said the older brother of the ML was trying to make them breakup because of morals- then yeah that makes sense. Because the older brother doesn’t have any hidden motives behind their breakup, he just doesn’t want them to get into trouble. But the girl that likes the ML is the one with hidden motives behind why she wants them to breakup, thus not making her a good example at all. She does not care one bit about a student x teacher relationship.

    otakuness July 9, 2021 5:02 am
    If their love wasn't sexual then he wouldn't have went down on her. some perv

    you do realize he has a sex addiction? its not like he slept with her. he needs some sort of sexual satisfaction. thus, i still say its platonic

    some perv July 9, 2021 7:30 am
    you do realize he has a sex addiction? its not like he slept with her. he needs some sort of sexual satisfaction. thus, i still say its platonic otakuness

    Your insistence on calling a sexual relationship "platonic" is very weird. Words have meaning. Addiction or not, if a relationship involves sex it's not platonic.

    some perv July 9, 2021 7:34 am
    They’re making her “feel bad” because of what she is: nosy. It’s none of her business at all with whatever happens to them. He’s angry at her because she butts into his own business and talks about so... plinky25

    I agree that she's being nosy out of spite. But I didn't miss the point, you did. While the classmate is acting like that because she's jealous, it should still be a waking call for the older counterpart of this relationship to realise that she is in fact being immoral and possibly committing a felony. They shouldn't even be trying to defend their relationship because it's shameful.

    otakuness July 10, 2021 6:29 am
    Your insistence on calling a sexual relationship "platonic" is very weird. Words have meaning. Addiction or not, if a relationship involves sex it's not platonic. some perv

    But they didnt have sex. And likely wont anytime soon. She is afraid of men

    some perv July 10, 2021 7:25 am

    He licked her pussy. That's sex. You blocking me won't change that fact.