Will this story still make sense if i dont read sadistic beauty? The couple seem cute and ...

Kanekismom June 17, 2021 10:34 am

Will this story still make sense if i dont read sadistic beauty? The couple seem cute and sexc but I don't really want to read the main story

    Shuichi's_$lut June 17, 2021 3:37 pm

    Yeah, the main story doesn't have much to do with this one, besides some backstory on the main character but otherwise there is no need to read the main story. (⌒▽⌒)

    Doosik’s Eight Pack June 17, 2021 4:20 pm

    please don’t read the main story. I made the biggest mistake reading it and it’s literally the author just writing about rape and trying to pass it off as bdsm. It’s really disturbing

    lolol June 17, 2021 4:42 pm
    please don’t read the main story. I made the biggest mistake reading it and it’s literally the author just writing about rape and trying to pass it off as bdsm. It’s really disturbing Doosik’s Eight Pack

    thank you for the warning. i’ll make sure not to

    underpants_man June 18, 2021 3:07 am

    I heard this warning too late (ended up reading a few chapters while skipping around that were super triggering) but I am honestly just amazed how an author can manage to put out a legitimately pretty good work like this while also churning out whatever steaming pile the main story is made of

    Doosik’s Eight Pack June 18, 2021 5:01 am
    I heard this warning too late (ended up reading a few chapters while skipping around that were super triggering) but I am honestly just amazed how an author can manage to put out a legitimately pretty good work... underpants_man

    it was so gross. Aside from the content, it was also a really badly written story with no character development in ANY of the characters. They’re all so one-dimensional. It also really sounded like the author was writing about people she hated in her life and then making them suffer in her story. Reallyyy disturbing

    Yuki~tan June 18, 2021 6:45 am
    please don’t read the main story. I made the biggest mistake reading it and it’s literally the author just writing about rape and trying to pass it off as bdsm. It’s really disturbing Doosik’s Eight Pack

    It was in my "want to read" list but after all this, I'll delete it from there, thanks guys you saved me.

    Doosik’s Eight Pack June 18, 2021 2:32 pm
    It was in my "want to read" list but after all this, I'll delete it from there, thanks guys you saved me. Yuki~tan

    no problem