Ngl it's kinda cliche. I get that MC wants to get her revenge but I don't get why she's ac...

sollee June 17, 2021 5:19 am

Ngl it's kinda cliche. I get that MC wants to get her revenge but I don't get why she's acting so vicious. Of course it's because she was bullied but at least have some plan if you want revenge. MC is making it seem as though Florre is truly innonect and MC is truly evil. If you want revenge make everyone your ally, don't tarnish your reputation, and become a two-faced bitch like Florre and humiliate her

    MangaAnger9 June 17, 2021 5:45 pm

    Convoluted K Drama Logic.

    nyk July 20, 2021 12:28 am

    I mean the girl has trauma. I don't blame her, she trying to appear nice but then get flashbacks of florre abusing her and it backfired