I want to like this more

ChimeraBun June 17, 2021 3:05 am

I love the concept of this comic, even the execution of it wasn't half bad. However, the comic had major plot holes which made it borderline incomprehensible. First of all, they don't explain Sihoo's amnesia well. It's quite all over the place. At first, I thought that his amnesia stemmed from the fire and the PTSD. But then they show him having the amnesia before the fire; shown by Sihoo having a conversation about his amnesia with his mother, who after the fire was supposed to be bedridden or deceased. That plot point about his mother also wasn't explained well and left me confused. They also kind of depict the fire to take place sometime after meeting/while dating Yesung. As Taehyuk started spreading the rumors of him going into the psych ward right after the event happened and Yesung was able to overhear it. But they also make it out that he had the amnesia problem when they started dating. Second of all, they don't really explain why Yesung was ignoring Sihoo in the past. I first thought it was because he felt guilty for being one of reasons there were rumors going around about Sihoo, but then they make it seem Yesung wasn't aware of the rumors. Finally, I know this is a small point, but in the first chapter, it was said the fire was arson. That leaves me asking who set that fire. They mentioned it and never brought it up again. Why mention that detail if it wasn't gonna go anywhere? Additionally, to this, I would have liked to see how the two started dating as Yesung said Sihoo was constantly avoiding him and then next we see is them dating. Like??? What changed? I'm hoping I somehow just missed all these details and the story was able to properly convey them. and if someone knows what chapter some of these details are explained please list them because as of right now I can't give this story more than 3 stars with how confused it left me. Which I feel is generous considering the plot holes are of some major details.

    papap June 30, 2021 3:18 pm

    Same, I thought I missed something cuz I didn't understand the whole anemia part, I didn't know it was reoccurring I thought it was a 1 time thing

    dlffdk July 3, 2021 11:53 am
    Same, I thought I missed something cuz I didn't understand the whole anemia part, I didn't know it was reoccurring I thought it was a 1 time thing papap


    papap July 3, 2021 6:22 pm
    Anemia??? dlffdk

    Sorry I meant amnesia

    irumeows July 15, 2021 3:46 pm

    i think the fire really did happened considering that it taekhyung knew about it too, it could've happened way before sihoo and yesung met, probably that's the reason sihoo knew why he had forgotten things about yesung when the fact was that he just woke up one day forgetting about yesung.