HEAR YE HEAR YE …. J is a fucking twat he’s an emotionally manipulative little twat. He consciously KNEW AND LOGICALLY CAME TO THE CONCLUSION that he was going to emotionally manipulate Yoon because he knew he was weak and knew all he ever needed and wanted was to be loved and validated. Y’all better not better fucking not forgive this man just because he realized he liked Yoon. Yoon deserves better than J better than his brother and better than that twat of co worker who knows that Yoon will pick up his shifts because he nice and he does it so he can party. They’re toxically terrible people. That is all.
HEAR YE HEAR YE …. J is a fucking twat he’s an emotionally manipulative little twat. He consciously KNEW AND LOGICALLY CAME TO THE CONCLUSION that he was going to emotionally manipulate Yoon because he knew he was weak and knew all he ever needed and wanted was to be loved and validated. Y’all better not better fucking not forgive this man just because he realized he liked Yoon. Yoon deserves better than J better than his brother and better than that twat of co worker who knows that Yoon will pick up his shifts because he nice and he does it so he can party. They’re toxically terrible people. That is all.