i skimmed thru the whole thing. does hong (chung’s twin) have any plot relevance? cuz he...

toki June 16, 2021 8:22 am

i skimmed thru the whole thing. does hong (chung’s twin) have any plot relevance? cuz he seemed to disappear for the last 20 chapters

plus, when hong said “i don’t need you” to chung, it was very hypocritical of him tbh. i mean, who was the one who asked chung to get him to debut in the first place?? man, if u always knew your brother would do anything for u, you should’ve thought about it before asking him a favor uhhhhhhhhhhh

    ah fuc June 16, 2021 9:39 pm

    Not rlly I don’t think. He’s more of just the mc’s family ig