Not me sitting here YELLING at my screen that a single woman of marriageable age would NEV...

whalezandnuggetz June 16, 2021 8:16 am

Not me sitting here YELLING at my screen that a single woman of marriageable age would NEVER be sent as a chaperone especially to the house of an unwed bachelor. Propriety dictates that she must have a chaperone as well. This is what happens when you watch way too many BBC period dramas.

    prince_yuu June 16, 2021 10:48 am

    Ikr (⌒▽⌒)
    Sometimes this author is kinda funny
    ( ̄∇ ̄")
    I can never forget "the glove inside the butt" scene..

    whalezandnuggetz June 16, 2021 11:47 am
    Ikr (⌒▽⌒)Sometimes this author is kinda funny( ̄∇ ̄")I can never forget "the glove inside the butt" scene.. prince_yuu

    Y u do dis to me. I blocked it out