Dietrich is 6 years older than FL... but y'all forget she was what, 17 or smth when she ca...

Si_Ara June 16, 2021 7:46 am

Dietrich is 6 years older than FL... but y'all forget she was what, 17 or smth when she came over? she's never been a full baby either, plus they've never behaved like siblings, more like people forced to tolerate each other( let's not forget FL decided to approach Dietrich cuz he is her death flag) and he never treats her like a lil sis, more like a pest that he has grown fond of, cuz he ain't a normal kid either- he has KILLED to survive. If you ignore the fluff, this is a pretty dark manhwa, ya know.

    Lærke June 16, 2021 8:50 am

    not to mention that there's no romantic interest between anyone yet so it's not like they force a romantic plot onto children. They're allowed to grow up first