Wow wtf

Kyra June 16, 2021 7:17 am

FL is utter trash. She’s so mean and she doesn’t give a shit. I don’t see any character development either. She broke up with her boyfriend of a year because his dock wasn’t big enough and she roped her poor sweet guy friend into a friends with benefits situation and now he likes her and she couldn’t care less. It’d be okay if there was character development but there really isn’t. This isn’t okay of any gender or sexuality, cuz I see this shit in yahoo stuff all the time and it bugs the shit out of me. What a bitch.

    개비1 June 16, 2021 9:49 pm

    Y'all just hate seeing women embrace their sexuality. Yh she broke up with her boyfriend, she obliviously didn't like him anymore. What was she supposed to do? Stay with him even she though she was attracted to someone else? Or cheat on him? And she never told her friend to catch feelings for her and she never said that she wanted to date him. She just wants to have fun but whenever women want to engage in pefectly normal things like casual sex or having friends with benefits they are always looked down upon. She's mean because she wants to have fun while she's young? She's being very honest about what she wants and she's not leading anybody on.
    Your take seems a little misogynistic.

    Kyra June 16, 2021 10:57 pm
    Y'all just hate seeing women embrace their sexuality. Yh she broke up with her boyfriend, she obliviously didn't like him anymore. What was she supposed to do? Stay with him even she though she was attracted t... 개비1

    I’m not saying she should’ve stayed with him, but breaking up with someone because they have a small dick is a dick move and not only was she not apologetic, she was annoyed with him. Also in her friends with benefits situation, it would be fine if both parties were on the same page, but he’s clearly falling for her rapidly and doesn’t want casual sex. It’s not misogynistic, it’s people calling her out on behavior that shouldn’t be celebrated regardless of gender or sexuality. I’m so god damn tired of people celebrating these characters whether it’s straight or gay. I admit, it’s hot, it’s why I read it, but we shouldn’t just go “yas Queen” to a clearly problematic character. You shouldn’t be okay with hurting others feelings so mindlessly. If she comes to realize that her inconsiderate and callous actions take a toll on others and feels apologetic, I’d be totally okay with this, in fact I’d love it. But SHE DOESN'T CARE and doesn’t show any signs of starting to.

    LatteGratte June 17, 2021 12:07 am

    I don’t even think she knows that he likes her. She’s kinda dense.