One of the reasons I don't look at raws is I don't want some half- baked poorly understood idea of what's going to happen. Even if I do get it right, and I probably won't, it won't be the same completely satisfying experience as reading a translated version where I can undertand what's going on. Raws for me are the same as spoilers- they ruin a story. But at least people have a choice in this matter as we have to seek them out.
The only exception I can think of is when there is no other way to get the end of a story that is no longer being scanlated and isn't for sale.

First thing first, I'm very sorry. I clicked 'annoying' by mistake T_T it was suppose to be 'reply'..stupid phone! No, stupid finger!!! Really really sorry~
Anyway, yes I agree with you in both paragraphs especially the unsatisfied feeling I got from reading the raw version. But there are times I couldn't hold back, for example the 'bicchi na neko wa koukishin ni katenai'..like oh gosh the sex scenes are good, and I'm so curious about that bad guy who play pranks on the Uke that I ended up read it all til the last chapter lol but at least it's a short story, so it's all good. And that's why right now, I'm trying to hold myself back from reading the raw version of this Manga. It got more chapters, so I'm willing to wait. Hehe.
Yes I know there's a complete raw, and people comments a lot about how this story ends blablabla. Urgghh such spoilers!!! Should have make 'SPOIL ALERT' in the title if any of you wanna tell the rest of the story, so people like me wouldn't read it by chance. Aaaahhhhh now you make me more curiousssss..there will be no end until I read it all. Omg!!! I curse you 'ongoing'!