that 29 yeard old dude

animeworld207 June 16, 2021 12:36 am

man I have been seeing him everywhere my gosh he needs to STFU the art was good but the story was trash he is talking about how the younger fans are immature but yet he is over her justifying rape

    Quicksilver June 16, 2021 2:44 am

    tell me LOL what exactly is your problem with me? seriously. can you cut to the real gripe of yours against me?

    animeworld207 June 16, 2021 2:52 am
    tell me LOL what exactly is your problem with me? seriously. can you cut to the real gripe of yours against me? Quicksilver

    dude are u dumb? a lot of people have a problem with u people aren't allowed to have an opinion without u butting in everywhere kids are calling u out so yh I do have a problem with u.... u are harassing people with people because of their opinions and u also justified rape which a lot of people hate your a NINE YEAR OLD MAN plz grow up

    Quicksilver June 16, 2021 3:09 am
    dude are u dumb? a lot of people have a problem with u people aren't allowed to have an opinion without u butting in everywhere kids are calling u out so yh I do have a problem with u.... u are harassing people... animeworld207

    29. I've have some points to make. what's it to you?

    Quicksilver June 16, 2021 4:29 am
    dude are u dumb? a lot of people have a problem with u people aren't allowed to have an opinion without u butting in everywhere kids are calling u out so yh I do have a problem with u.... u are harassing people... animeworld207

    these fans have some scary wild unreasonable demands. they're rabid, too, like attack dogs. they're stubborn, and there's a lot of them. They keep hammering away at the manga/manhwa world, trying to get rid of elements like rape in these works. What they're not getting is that they're having an impact. that might sound good, but it isn't. Under all that negativity and pressure, artists are just going to stop. There'll be a few left, of course, but if these younger fans get their way and sanitize the industry, then the height of the manga/manhwa trend is at least a year past, and it's going downhill. I don't want that. there you have it.

    Quicksilver June 16, 2021 4:32 am
    dude are u dumb? a lot of people have a problem with u people aren't allowed to have an opinion without u butting in everywhere kids are calling u out so yh I do have a problem with u.... u are harassing people... animeworld207

    these are people who don't understand what freedom of speech means or why we even need it. they want certain words to be illegal. it's bad. I'm so not alone in my concerns about the newest youngest group of fans.

    animeworld207 June 16, 2021 5:20 am
    these fans have some scary wild unreasonable demands. they're rabid, too, like attack dogs. they're stubborn, and there's a lot of them. They keep hammering away at the manga/manhwa world, trying to get rid ... Quicksilver

    u do realize no all younger fans right? a lot of older people your age are calling authors out on this behavior with the rape in bl and it's using a lot of fans. Also, nobody is trying to get ''rid of elements like rape in these work'' people are calling out the character and bashing like for example this story yh there is ass whole but the rape in bl story is so unnecessary a lot of bl was ruined because of that.Also, u being 29 I find it funny that u have a lot of time to argue? u don't have a job, kids, or a life lmafoo. the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint is freedom of speech that the meaning and that's what most now bl reader are doing people understand if it's work that has a meaning to it for example; Nii-chan for Harada to have a meaning to it. It's not only bl fans but peole that read sl and gl story too....

    animeworld207 June 16, 2021 5:23 am
    these are people who don't understand what freedom of speech means or why we even need it. they want certain words to be illegal. it's bad. I'm so not alone in my concerns about the newest youngest group of ... Quicksilver

    IDK where you're from but a lot of people don't get honry from rape which is disgusting
    go back to watching your hentai or some shit like that but grow up your making 30
    nobody wants a man child that get's of a watching nheantai

    Quicksilver June 16, 2021 5:37 am
    IDK where you're from but a lot of people don't get honry from rape which is disgustinggo back to watching your hentai or some shit like that but grow up your making 30 nobody wants a man child that get's of a ... animeworld207

    Tons of adults read BL and yaoi. They don't associate with the likes of you. Go read "ghost child" and let me just laugh in your face in advance. (stupid title: haunted by desire)

    animeworld207 June 16, 2021 5:41 am
    Tons of adults read BL and yaoi. They don't associate with the likes of you. Go read "ghost child" and let me just laugh in your face in advance. (stupid title: haunted by desire) Quicksilver

    omg really yh no shit ''by the likes of me '' lmafooo u do know how much people hate u on here even adult barely anybody thinks your cool they don't like weirdos that bothers people like u

    Quicksilver June 16, 2021 5:47 am
    u do realize no all younger fans right? a lot of older people your age are calling authors out on this behavior with the rape in bl and it's using a lot of fans. Also, nobody is trying to get ''rid of elements ... animeworld207

    That's not what freedom of speech is. my god, what did you study in school? Freedom of speech is the right to say what you want without fear of arrest and imprisonment. It's a historical institution, not something you dream up in your head and say hoping I don't know the meaning.
    I'm an adult, dummy. I work for a living. I take breaks and talk here on mgo. I find it relaxing to crush guys like you.

    Quicksilver June 16, 2021 5:51 am
    omg really yh no shit ''by the likes of me '' lmafooo u do know how much people hate u on here even adult barely anybody thinks your cool they don't like weirdos that bothers people like u animeworld207

    lol don't care

    animeworld207 June 16, 2021 5:56 am
    That's not what freedom of speech is. my god, what did you study in school? Freedom of speech is the right to say what you want without fear of arrest and imprisonment. It's a historical institution, not som... Quicksilver

    well u must be borning because all people are doing is looking down on u lmafoooo

    animeworld207 June 16, 2021 5:58 am
    lol don't care Quicksilver

    did care enough to respond dumbass u must be that borning if your coming on here to
    ''crush people'' get a hobby play bastball or some shit like that

    Quicksilver June 16, 2021 6:02 am
    omg really yh no shit ''by the likes of me '' lmafooo u do know how much people hate u on here even adult barely anybody thinks your cool they don't like weirdos that bothers people like u animeworld207

    baseball is a big favorite of mine. did you read the story with the link on my profile? it's a baseball story

    animeworld207 June 16, 2021 6:06 am
    baseball is a big favorite of mine. did you read the story with the link on my profile? it's a baseball story Quicksilver

    why do u think I would read it? u know I hate u right? also gn we will argue tomorrow

    Quicksilver June 16, 2021 5:33 pm
    why do u think I would read it? u know I hate u right? also gn we will argue tomorrow animeworld207

    WHICH one are you. you sound like sleepy

    Quicksilver June 16, 2021 5:37 pm
    why do u think I would read it? u know I hate u right? also gn we will argue tomorrow animeworld207

    any adult with a brain knows how stupid the ideas of you and the rest of the manson family are.

    Quicksilver June 16, 2021 6:01 pm
    dude are u dumb? a lot of people have a problem with u people aren't allowed to have an opinion without u butting in everywhere kids are calling u out so yh I do have a problem with u.... u are harassing people... animeworld207

    I was asking about you only. don't care about " a lot of people"

    animeworld207 June 16, 2021 7:22 pm
    any adult with a brain knows how stupid the ideas of you and the rest of the manson family are. Quicksilver

    are u dumb or...

    animeworld207 June 16, 2021 7:23 pm
    I was asking about you only. don't care about " a lot of people" Quicksilver

    yh and i hate u