Well it's not like it's his body in the first place you know... his originally body is dead. It's just plain disrespectful when the girl's soul or whatever can potentially still be brought back. Plus, there are people who care about her. Besides, it's not like he's afraid of living like a woman. He wasn't trans in his previous life and he's not mentally weak as to be like "ewe, I can't" because he has to deal with periods. It's also not like he'd ever get raped while inhabiting her body most likely so having a uterus won't lead him to a life of misery. I think he's fine with any obstacle as long as he can fight. Even with an originally weaker body, it doesn't mean he can't find ways to fight as good as when he had his original body. Girl, boy, the only big difference is hormones. Troy still has all his original abilities intact and the girl's body is agile enough with good enough stamina to last in a fight.
What I mean by him not having been trans is that since it's not even his body in the first place, the relationship with the body won't hinder him as much. Someone who is trans is more likely to get triggered by things related to the body they don't identify as. Like, if Troy had been a trans man in his first life then got trapped in this girl's body after dying, the irony would be off the charts and he'd be like "REALLY", though Troy wouldn't have to relearn how to be a girl bc he had to live like a girl way in the past.
With the way he moves a binder could really constrict him in the long run I think. just because it still pushes on you around the chest. Well anyway, with a good sports bra any girl is fine and it's not his body so since it's not a permanent thing yet, like it's not his own body, he doesn't feel that kind of stress about having boobs.
Has he/she never consider surgery to turn in to a more masculine body? I'm pretty sure there are surgeries to flatten your chest and change your genitals into male genitals. He/She could also remove his uterus to avoid pregnancy and periods.