Cain > Yahwi

Anonymous June 15, 2021 10:39 pm

Cain > Yahwi

    jupi June 15, 2021 11:23 pm

    Yahwi > Cain Ngl

    pxvcnt June 16, 2021 6:04 pm
    Yahwi > Cain Ngl jupi

    delusional & dumb. pick a struggle.

    jupi June 16, 2021 6:23 pm
    delusional & dumb. pick a struggle. pxvcnt

    funny because I'm just telling the person what i prefer, and ur calling me delusional and dumb man gtfo, and be toxic some place else where

    Aaliyah June 16, 2021 6:39 pm
    Yahwi > Cain Ngl jupi

    i know this is your opinion but no

    hexmity June 16, 2021 7:27 pm
    Yahwi > Cain Ngl jupi

    look-wise or like behavior wise..?

    jupi June 16, 2021 7:53 pm
    look-wise or like behavior wise..? hexmity

    look wise, its true tho

    jupi June 16, 2021 7:54 pm
    i know this is your opinion but no Aaliyah


    Aaliyah June 16, 2021 11:08 pm
    ok jupi


    MeganeCho June 17, 2021 4:10 am
    look wise, its true tho jupi

    by this logic, if your partner was gorgeous, but abusive, toxic, manipulative with emotionally damaging behavior, where they distance themselves from you because the only thing they're interested in is your body, where you have to do all of the work because you like them but they don't like you, but will feel like they have the right to be jealous and controlling when they see you with other people, not to mention never saying that they like you back and genuinely meaning it, are you saying you would still be with a person like this and love them just because they're gorgeous? or in the scenario where you're the observer, are you saying that you would still encourage someone to be in a relationship with someone who's like this despite knowing these things?

    jupi June 17, 2021 5:45 am
    by this logic, if your partner was gorgeous, but abusive, toxic, manipulative with emotionally damaging behavior, where they distance themselves from you because the only thing they're interested in is your bod... MeganeCho

    What LOL when did i ever say that... between cain and yahwi, yahwi has better looks. thats why i put yahwi > cain cuz i meant look-wise. behavior wise, yahwi is trash and cain behavior-wise is better, you wrote that paragraph for no reason

    pxvcnt June 18, 2021 5:18 pm
    What LOL when did i ever say that... between cain and yahwi, yahwi has better looks. thats why i put yahwi > cain cuz i meant look-wise. behavior wise, yahwi is trash and cain behavior-wise is better, you wr... jupi

    you said it yourself, cain is better. cus what normal human being would pick looks over behaviour? I gues you ARE dumb & delusional

    MeganeCho June 18, 2021 10:26 pm
    What LOL when did i ever say that... between cain and yahwi, yahwi has better looks. thats why i put yahwi > cain cuz i meant look-wise. behavior wise, yahwi is trash and cain behavior-wise is better, you wr... jupi

    You didn't have to say it, you implied it by saying look-wise. That's why I said "by this logic," after you had basically said "Yahwi > Cain because of looks." I was simply asking a question in response to this, because it seemed like you were in support of Yahwi because of his looks alone. If you really think that Cain is better behavior wise, then why would you reply Yahwi > Cain to a comment that says Cain > Yahwi without any initial further explanation? The responses you got to your comment are even proof that you were not specific enough. I understand, as you made it clear later, that you like Yahwi for his looks only, but are you serious? You're seriously going to say Yahwi > Cain because of looks but then say Cain is better behavior wise. That is really some ass backwards logic to make such a statement (the statement being Yahwi > Cain) based solely on looks and not behavior. You should have just said something along the lines of "I agree, but Yahwi looks better imo" from the start because simply putting Yahwi > Cain is too vague and makes you look like you're in full support of that failure of a Jiwon wannabe regardless of behavior. So, no, I didn't write "that paragraph" for no reason. I was simply asking you a question based off of the fact that you had said "Yahwi > Cain because of looks." Just to clarify, I was not trying to argue with you so sorry if it seemed that way, I really just wanted to know. I know that it was a bit long, but it was a valid question to the things that you had commented, with you essentially saying Looks > Behavior in regards to a character that has toyed with, and as Jooin put it, "broken his heart over and over again," along with other very toxic, controlling, abusive and manipulative actions. Again, I get that you dont agree with Yahwi's behavior, but in any case it should always be behavior > looks and not looks > behavior.

    MeganeCho June 19, 2021 12:04 am
    What LOL when did i ever say that... between cain and yahwi, yahwi has better looks. thats why i put yahwi > cain cuz i meant look-wise. behavior wise, yahwi is trash and cain behavior-wise is better, you wr... jupi

    Just wanted to add, as you can see, length is a non-issue. I would suggest for you to learn how to be more straightforward, though, so you can avoid giving people the wrong idea in the future.

    jupi June 20, 2021 6:58 am
    you said it yourself, cain is better. cus what normal human being would pick looks over behaviour? I gues you ARE dumb & delusional pxvcnt

    How am I dumb and delusional? It’s my opinion either way. I wasn’t picking yahwi over cain? when did I ever state that? I was implying that yahwis looks are more better than cain, but yahwis behavior is trash and vains behavior is more better. Literally when did I have pick yahwi over cain LOL

    jupi June 20, 2021 7:00 am
    You didn't have to say it, you implied it by saying look-wise. That's why I said "by this logic," after you had basically said "Yahwi > Cain because of looks." I was simply asking a question in response to t... MeganeCho


    jupi June 20, 2021 7:02 am
    How am I dumb and delusional? It’s my opinion either way. I wasn’t picking yahwi over cain? when did I ever state that? I was implying that yahwis looks are more better than cain, but yahwis behavior is tra... jupi

    Tho, I didn’t type it in a write way, I meant yahwis looks are more better but that doesn’t mean I agree with his behavior

    jupi June 20, 2021 7:03 am
    Just wanted to add, as you can see, length is a non-issue. I would suggest for you to learn how to be more straightforward, though, so you can avoid giving people the wrong idea in the future. MeganeCho

    okay thank you, be safe

    MeganeCho June 20, 2021 1:22 pm
    How am I dumb and delusional? It’s my opinion either way. I wasn’t picking yahwi over cain? when did I ever state that? I was implying that yahwis looks are more better than cain, but yahwis behavior is tra... jupi

    That's true that it is your opinion, but it's like I said, you were not specific enough. Simply putting "Yahwi > Cain Ngl" makes it look like you are, in fact, Stating that you are picking Yahwi over Cain. I'm honestly starting to wonder if you're trolling or not because you're making yourself look a bit of the opposite of intelligent, mate LOL

    jupi June 20, 2021 7:44 pm
    That's true that it is your opinion, but it's like I said, you were not specific enough. Simply putting "Yahwi > Cain Ngl" makes it look like you are, in fact, Stating that you are picking Yahwi over Cain. I... MeganeCho

    You said it yourself, I wasn’t being specific and then I explained at first that I meant his looks were more better over cain. Doesn’t mean I’m picking him over Cain. In fact, I’m on neither sides. I can admit that yahwis behavior is shitty and cains behavior is better , but yahwis looks win over cains. and trolling? how? this was just a misunderstanding situation that’s why the other person before that asked me “look-wise or behavior wise” and I told them look wise LOL

    MeganeCho June 21, 2021 5:31 am
    You said it yourself, I wasn’t being specific and then I explained at first that I meant his looks were more better over cain. Doesn’t mean I’m picking him over Cain. In fact, I’m on neither sides. I ca... jupi

    Okay I understand that you're not picking him over Cain. I know that. I was just saying, simply typing "Yahwi > Cain Ngl" made it look like you were, initially, before you had to clarify what you meant. I said trolling because it seemed like you didn't fully get what I was saying, but I don't really know? Honestly, you can just ignore the trolling part. Like, I know that there was a misunderstanding, and you did clear it up since it's easier to understand what you meant now, I'm just saying I think the reason why you got the responses you got is because of the way you typed your first comment "Yahwi > Cain Ngl" in response to the main comment being "Cain > Yahwi". Anyway, you should just make that clear from the start in the future, like, "Lookwise - Yahwi > Cain ngl" or something like that.

    Also, and you probably won't be surprised by this, but I actually think Cain looks better than Yahwi lol. And that's because he's a good person, and because people's behavior effects the way I, personally, see them and I can't stand the other one. I respect and am not trying to change your opinion about the two, though, I just wanted to share mine too...LOL