I wish i didn't read the first chapter. It honestly ruined everything for me, kinda like a...

Hoon_Yi June 15, 2021 4:41 pm

I wish i didn't read the first chapter. It honestly ruined everything for me, kinda like a trailer that gives away the whole plot of the movie. I normally love spoilers but not in this case cause i was really rooting for the mc to succeed. I am tired of always seeing the good guys win, sometimes its nice to see the anti hero type villan protagonist win and make it to the end. But knowing that she will be destroyed in the future is just making it so hard for me to enjoy the story since we all know that she's bound to lose no matter how clever she is.

    taelika June 15, 2021 5:54 pm

    Except that we don’t see the aftermath of the first episode. Who knows, perhaps she has something up her sleeve. And even so, it’s the same as a documentary. They first present the case, what it’s about, then go through the origins and details. Though if she does indeed lose it will be quite sad as you said.

    Hoon_Yi June 15, 2021 6:16 pm
    Except that we don’t see the aftermath of the first episode. Who knows, perhaps she has something up her sleeve. And even so, it’s the same as a documentary. They first present the case, what it’s about, ... taelika

    But in showbiz especially in K entertainment, a small scandal can destroy your entire reputation and here we have a whole documentary made about the mc. If we go the realistic route then i don't think she'll ever recover from that. But since this is fiction, i hope she has something up her sleeves cause i'd really hate to see her lose. We always see characters like her as the villain in most stories who gets crushed by the heroine, so for once i'd like to see the psycho manipulate bitch protagonist win in the end.

    Nobody June 15, 2021 8:28 pm

    Idk but I kinda liked it.
    It keeps me asking what could she have done for Junseo to turn on her?
    Maybe it was cuz she was marrying an asshole and there was no way for her to be happy like that.
    Or did she did something so unspeakable that even Junseo couldn't handle it.
    And what did he mean he were the one who made a monster out of her?

    Kawaiineko❤namjoon June 16, 2021 12:50 am
    Idk but I kinda liked it.It keeps me asking what could she have done for Junseo to turn on her?Maybe it was cuz she was marrying an asshole and there was no way for her to be happy like that.Or did she did some... Nobody

    It also seems like her inkang is dead because in the first chapter it shows the brother saying she didn't even send condolences....like what's that about. Maybe his death is a reason

    mookey June 16, 2021 8:10 am

    just wait bestie lol

    natsume June 26, 2021 3:22 am

    She literally ruined other peoples lives(cafe owner) She needs her own downfall

    Hoon_Yi June 26, 2021 4:35 pm
    just wait bestie lol mookey

    Fingers crossed, hoping for the best of