Thankkkk youu everybody's showing sympathy for chance because he has abandonment issues, and for some reason some of the readers decided that it's henrys fault because he's "indecisive" as if chance wasnt with his BEST FRIEND before the whole wish problem came up. I feel like people dont understand that confessing to anybody while they're in a relationship will put that person and their lover (who I may say again is Henry's Best Friend) in a uncomfortable spot.
On top of that the readers also collectively decided to forget that if henry decided to tell Chance that he liked him (before the wish) than he wouldve been looked at differently. Which was the same way he was looked at after he got caught with a man by his classmates.
They see Chance as somebody who is some sad baby with abandonment issues and they see Henry as a person who caused his own problems. Why is Henry at fault for moving on and not Chance for not excepting it? Readers are also deciding to not remember that Henry tried putting Chance and his girlfriend (I forgot her name) back together.
Honestly the story itself is good but the people under this comment section is the main problem to me.
you guys should not read psicologic, or any story with a character that have any personality, you'll are not used to it.
Henry is the tipical gay guy that live in the closet for the most part of his live, have to let it go and get hurt.
If you have not idea of this, highschool for lgbt people was a nightmare,Henry was no different. He was alone that, people talking shit and his only "friend" was a shiitty person that after Henry came out, act disgust with him(yes Chance did that).
Henry live a constant state of guilt, and when he got in the past he keep on thinking that that was his falt, whem it isn't. Lucius made the wish and Chance new that, but they chose to hide it and let Henry live with guilt.I can writ so much about this but i tired of people that are only able to feel simpathy for only one person. Chance lost things? EVERYBODY LOST EVERYTHING.