Interesting but…

HiddenSecret13 June 15, 2021 4:06 am

This is an interesting story, but the MC devolved into a fragile person rather than a badass knight. I am not too keen on reading some number of chapters just to get back to being a strong character. I hope it is not a situation where she will be dependent on the ML rather than standing up for herself.

    SaltyOmelette June 15, 2021 5:08 am

    Sis got murdered and you expect her to become a strong person right away? She needs to heal

    hot sad hoe June 15, 2021 5:23 am

    Sis got herself murdered.. that's ptsd.. she's having trauma responses...of course she's bound to be fragile at the moment

    Dumbdelion June 15, 2021 6:05 am

    Danggg if it were me I already quit being a knight. Too scary bruh. She's quite strong to change her perceptions and be a true Knight

    BetterLeftUnknown June 15, 2021 6:31 am

    She's still physically stong af. So idk what you're complaining about her being fragile. Maybe you're referring to the mentality part/psychological part. Which everyone that commented above me stated already, it's a trauma. This is not a villainess revenge themed story. It's just a story about her reincarnating/traveling back in time. And her setting her life on the right track and not letting any of her friends die and her not regretting any shit. Trying her best to be a better person and preventing shit from happening.

    I think things related to the black knight commander (like a behind the scene political/rebel/ any weird dark master plans... idk) will be revealed for later like some investigating shit, so yea...

    And we're still at the start of the story so let's not judge it just yet. And if I'm wrong and you're right. Then advance apologies.

    bibachoro-ok June 15, 2021 10:54 am

    You say she was strong before, yet she herself hates what she was like and regrets everything lmao. She's reacting like literally anyone would, if they were in her shoes. She'll come out stronger once she's done processing, just give her a minute.

    iffygroovy June 15, 2021 10:59 am

    She just wants to treasure her life more than only wast her life in hatred. She knows she was at fault with her decisions in the past. She's reflecting and trying to make things better this time. I like this story to be more of a self improvement

    Nemesis June 15, 2021 11:22 am

    How to say you don't know anything about mental illness or probably don't know what emotional trauma is without saying it outright? This comment.

    Dr-Erotica June 15, 2021 11:23 am

    bruh let her breath do you want her to fight a dragon as soon as she's up? xD

    nurinadlina June 15, 2021 12:22 pm
    bruh let her breath do you want her to fight a dragon as soon as she's up? xD Dr-Erotica

    Well, I found that typical FL regression has fortitude to move forward at faster rate.
    This manhwa FL is quite realistic having trauma and backlash of regrets from past life. I quite like her. Can't wait for her development.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    tsugutsugu June 15, 2021 12:26 pm

    damn son she just died and saw her dead friends alive again, that’s going to do something to your mental state