Thank u for taking all the trouble! I have been wondering about San as well. He went off the radar a bit too unexpected! What if he just left for his aunt's place provided no one still lives there? In a way it makes sense since he is bound to experience the most painful memories. Isn't the place where your beloved one committed suicide the best setting? Besides, it would double as a place, which proved to be suitable for "capturing" Hwan in the past.
704, taking the matter into his own hands and pushing his way through, ultimately unfazed is the whole freaking new level of art! Illegally adorable. Still hope for some revelation talk before the 2s finale though the chances are slim since your suggestion about Hwan, being a spiteful big mouth, would fit perfectly into the storyline, bringing in the right intensity of foreshadowing. (I guess the actual capture will take place not until s3)
Haha, love your comment about GM's nipples and past, shrouded in mystery. Also, expected to see him shirtless, but obviously the author is of a different opinion, leaving both past and nipples to the reader's imagination. BUT the current emotional dynamics between these two is a huuuge leap forward I agree. Honestly, 704, being emotionally sex-invested, creates dangerously sparking chemistry. So one step at a time. Maybe the next one is going to be his shirt. lol.
The whole 5 more episodes are like the cure for my already aching heart, however, it is more like a respite before the inevitable (I am virtually bawling at this point)
Haha, 704's never-ending supply of clothes are his deliberate and meticulously-planned tactic to eventually occupy GM's place. It all starts from cramming the wardrobe as we all perfectly know. On a more serious note, him, going to such great lengths to find out how he actually feels about GM and his "unreasonable" (quite reasonable if you ask me) anger kinda confirms our theory about his being a truth seeker, transitioning smoothly into a full-fledged human being (human realm). And it also seems like the past events are repeating themselves but on a much more positive note. Emotional sex vs emotionally-disconnected one. And more benign "sex aftermath" you brought up vs hateful altercation. Again, big thank you. Can't describe my gratitude.

Minor note.
I’m glad someone finally mentioned the shower sex thing
I’ve noticed in bl whenever I’m reading a scene I’ll just go “dicks don’t do that??” How are you gonna come 5 times in a row.... not even a break in between!!
And in the shower you always know one person is getting drowned while the other is freezing cold. Then he lifted 704 up. Sir you are going to slip and die but props to him I guess because 704 is like 6ft tall so the fact he just picked him up is impressive lmao.
Also I love 704 but how are you gonna fuck the same man almost everyday for 20 years and still be shitty at sucking him off. 10/10 on Confidence though

Hahaha I’m convinced every seme is just popping Viagra non stop. Geumsun’s upper body strength is seriously impressive. 704 is BUILT. Which is also confusing because where does he find the time to work out when he never has time to even sleep? How does someone who never eats or sleep get so cut? Are reapers naturally fit? Or do they retain the same body mass they died with? Does carrying the burden of responsibility have physical repercussions as well? I have so many questions.

Ahhhh that’s such a good guess about San’s whereabouts! I hadn’t even thought of that but it seems like most likely the case. My best guess was maybe he went to visit his mom assuming she’s still alive. But bringing in another character and emotion hurdle for San at this point seems too much with everything else going on.
Omg I’m so bad at math! Thank you for reminding me it’s actually 5 more episodes! It does seem like he’s been leaving clothes behind though because he did seem rather familiar with Geumsun’s laundry room at one point. I’ve always thought they were like co-dependent exes raising San.
Truth seeker is also such a great descriptor. It’s beautiful watching 704 level up to being a full fledged human. I hope the next truth he uncovers is that the unfamiliar feeling is love. And of course, what the hell does Geumsun look like shirtless? Of the never ending list of questions I have on my theory board I can’t believe I had to add “do goblins have nipples???” on there.

I guess I am gonna throw a couple of more speculative questions into the mix. Lol. Aahh, yes! Love! Since in order to fully evolve to a human being, I presume, one must experience genuine affection/attachment to another human being. Hence, I tend to believe that 704 was referring to himself in the last panel, speaking about anger. It is not like he is unfamiliar with this feeling as that is basically the way GM has made him feel so far with his "cocky bastard" attitude. That is why feeling of irritation under such circumstances is the most natural response. However, feeling angry at someone in the context of not being properly "seen" is another matter, considering reapers are not supposed to be concerned with such trivialities and the fact goblins have always treated them this way. As I see it, he must have subconsciously developed a deep emotional attachment to GM (which he is about to discover), and cold, nonchalant behaviour of the latter towards him offends and angers him (remember he was pissed off as hell after Chugin's remark that GM just "bangs him for yang"(I just can't get enough of this phrase, I swear!) for no good reason since it was the initial plan). And being treated as a stand became the final straw, so to speak. He himself finds his own anger unreasonable, and he is buffled by experiencing it in such a context that is why he makes a remark about this being funny.
And another thing I would like to bring up. At this point I am kinda concerned about it. (Like I am not concerned about almost everything, happening in this story haha). If 704 is turned back into a human( here I mean his physical not emotional state), it still won't be a happy ending for him and GM since human life span is devastatingly short, compared to goblins'. So it will make much more sense to retain him in reaper's guise. But again, what about emotions? Will he be able to juggle reaper's job and the burden of emotions? In fact, he has been able to manage it pretty well so far as he has developed some sort of attachment to San while taking care of him without condemning himself to Hell. (GM will help to cope in the future/ Yama will loosen the restrictions/ 704 will become a happy anomaly?!). That is something I am rather curious about as well!
Aha, so in the future we can expect to see "exes' reunion", followed by moving in together (since most of 704' clothes are already there anyway).
Regardless, the most burning and mind-boggling issue is whether goblins indeed have nipples! Take your bets since they may turn out to be weird second cousins of angels, who, according to many sources, don't have penises, and considering their same sacred status may in fact lack in some vital body part as well.

I just want to say that I live for your guys' theories and analogies!! I'm not active here now myself, as the life has gotten way too busy, but I'm reading it all with great pleasure!!
I agree with you all, I second the questions and I hope GM has nipples. I can't stand the thought he may not... The greatest mystery!!

Mystery solved! Geumsun never takes his shirt off but it IS unbuttoned just enough in the very last panel of chapter 13 to confirm that goblins have, at the very least, one nipple.
I think you’re right about 704 referring to himself. Writing off any of the situation as “funny” is very obvious self-deprecating irony. Sarcasm doesn’t translate well though (especially in a language that doesn’t always specify the subject!) so the last two lines and mocking smile from the last panel really threw me. All that ridicule masked in detached and cocky arrogance being directed entirely at himself feels too heartbreaking.
But yes! He is so attached! He can’t even deny it anymore! Did you notice that he’s stopped using San as his excuse for his interest in and involvement with Geumsun? Geumsun automatically assumes the only reason why 704 is there is because of San and tells him he went through all that trouble for nothing because San isn’t even there. 704 knows the plan is to use San as bait at this point and that San is currently MIA yet somehow he seems less concerned about San’s whereabouts than even we are lol.
704 has only one thing on his mind through chapters 69 and 70 and it definitely isn’t San. It puts his previous inner thoughts in question about how much of it is because of San and how much because of Geumsun. Pouting face from Ch. 26: “Why does he (Geumsun) have to go out all the time and leave this guy (San) alone?” Pouting face from Ch. 29: “…Of course. He’s (Geumsun) been meeting up with Yama this whole time.”
As far as the pink 704 keeps getting clothed in, from the author’s Twitter after episode 46: “The pink shirt worn by 704 is San’s. Geumsun’s house has a laundry room, but they do not clearly separate each other's wardrobe, so they sometimes mix.” Unclear about the new pink & white sweatshirt but probably San’s as well since Geumsun looks a size larger? I really love the idea of Geumsun going to pick something out to dress 704 in and every time just thinking he’d look good in pink. Can we also talk about the tea he brings him post shower? Basically boyfriends.
I really don’t know where the conversation will go now that 704 has used sex to force Geumsun to see him and admitted to being angry at the thought that Geumsun hasn’t. I’d really love to see post-coital cuddles and more conversation (honestly - how hilarious would it be if 704 asked Geumsun to tell him about the person he reminds him of?) but also maybe time to move the plot along and for 704 to remember San? Because poor San, forgotten by the people he cares most about by force AND by choice lol.
I have a lot of thoughts regarding your concerns about what the future holds for 704 continuing his reaper duties and balancing human emotions and it’s all wrapped up in the a very lengthy theory about reincarnation vs immortality all brought on by the rabbit hole I feel into when you reminded me of Eunjae’s webtoon title. lol I’m STILL working on it so let me get back to you on that. but ngl I’m really into the idea of eternal loops right now so, honestly, thank you for that! I can’t believe the first time I’m genuinely interested in Buddhism is because of a webtoon. My parents would be so proud. Or maybe disappointed, I’m not entirely sure lol.

One more thing! When you mentioned “bow of fate” in response to my last chapter recap it made me think of chapter 54 when Hwan taunts Geumsun by saying, “Those who hold the weapons get to choose who is sacrificed. Those without such weapons merely become the victims.” that 704’s bow is literally such weapon and backs up our theory that 704’s sin is suicide by way of self-sacrifice. There’s also maybe something there with involving fate with 704’s left eyebrow scar and San shooting Hwan straight through the left eye.

Oh, boy! GM's glossy nipple in chapter 13 totally slipped my mind! Thank you for reminding. Which in turn throws goblins on the darker side, making them closer to cyclops rather than angels
Only after you mentioned 704's "self-deprecating humour" as a coping mechanism, had I actually been able to sense the full anguish and sadness of that scene. Yet, it is agonizingly beautiful!
OMG, that is exactly what I thought. Since his "imprisonment", 704 has barely spared San a thought. Chung (who is on this occasion the epitome of a saying "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions) in his attempt to steer 704 onto the path of "the right reaper", he only fueled a seed of doubt already sowed in the latter's mind, creating ripple effects of existential crisis. At this point I feel kinda bad for Chung since here we witness a tragic story of someone who considers himself a "major player", but for totally wrong reasons. Yama inflates his ego to keep him in line by revealing precisely enough information to keep him in the dark about what is exactly going on. I presume it is more like "foolproof tactic" from Yama's side. Better safe than sorry! I also absolutely love the way 704 slowly acknowledges his interest in GM, remembering all the pecks of kindness, which GM was unable to conceal despite his best efforts. And yes, I only can imagine the extend of GM's confusion and puzzlement, who had already come to terms with 704's "reaper state", when he discovers that 704 has not in fact come to look for San but confrontation, concerning their relationship status. Haha, poor GM, it seems he was prepared for anything but this! Through the whole chapter 69 he has been trying to process this new unexpected turn, unfortunately, with no avail. And in chapter 70 he is still in disbelief that 704 could be so wrapped into his (GM) humble personality. I guess at this stage he is no longer able to ignore the obvious human shifts in 704, and I expect him to start making his five steps towards 704. It is like they both are changing under one another's influence. That is why I am on board with your speculation on 704, asking GM about "that human" as a possible plot development since now he is desperately trying to figure out why GM refuses to "see" him. And as in his mind the third party is involved (it is the best love triangle I have ever seen lol), he is inevitably going to draw a comparison to understand why it is not to his advantage. Perhaps, he will even put two and two together, realizing he is none other than "that human", which will most likely be a cliffhanger or a story how to make the readers pull out their hair and bang their heads against the wall
I find it kinda hard to imagine how EJ is going to remain the main character, assuming GM erased his memories of San. So I am gravitating to the idea that his memories are still pretty much with him and he will be AWOL just like 704 in search of San since we know only too well that the Northeners are "the safest".
I am craving for cuddles or at least some hugs as well! But that shower scene where GM carefully lowers 704 onto the floor was so tender. And I also wonder whether it was GM himself who bundled 704 up into the blanket and possibly dressed since after the shower sex he didn't look like someone was fit to even stand let alone to do anything else! Not a bad start, ha? Probably hugs and post-sex tea are on the way. Haha, in all honesty, San doesn't give me an impression of someone who is really into pinky clothes so pinky outfits must be GM's meticulous choice.
Aahh, yes, this cryptic phrase about weapons and sacrifices I had been agonizing for a painfully long time, trying to make sense of! Oh, it sounds quite reasonable since I believe 704 could even commit sacrificial suicide by means of this bow. Remember also this scene where GM is saying to 704 exact same words? As if it is his way to express all the bitterness at 704, who had a weapon and chose to sacrifice himself, making GM a victim of this choice. And now they have turned the tables in a way. 704 is a victim bc he is in the dark and GM is holding a weapon by being in the know. It seems we have a new love triangle: 704, GM and the bow vs 704, GM and sex.
And Yama at this point reminds of a bizzare cross between Mephistopheles, who does good through committing evil deads and God, who strikes a deal with him, putting the life of Faust on the line out of sheer boredom. He saves GM (who clearly doesn't want to live), brings GM and 704 together as a self-serving act, making them both miserable at that time. A now he just wants to see "whether 704 could escape" with the bow (Is it a reality show for him or what?!). Btw, did you notice that GM follows Yama's steps in a way? Bringing San and EJ together, warning the former about the repercussions of getting to close to EJ and so on?
I am really looking forward your theories, regarding 704's future! Haha, I have never imagined that any confession will pique my interest. But here I am, binging Buddhism-related videos. Certainly, hardly will I be ever converted or something. My interest is more hypothetical. Yet, a webtoon is one of the most unbelievable reasons to become a devoted disciple of Buddha lol. Besides, you really inspired me to get back to learning Korean again! But who could've thought that Proficiency preparation would be that time-consuming. (I am just making accuses for my lazy ass!) A couple of more dissertations like this, and I will be indeed ready to present my webtoon PhD
I translated the whole chapter for easier analyzing, if you want the link just DM me!
Okay, chapter 70!
704 looking shocked, quickly assessing his feelings, and remembering that he’s angry is the funniest 3 panels I’ve ever seen. Adorable to grumpy cat real quick. I love him so much.
He tells Geumsun that reapers are humans too. It’s not like he can’t feel anything, he can tell how Geumsun has been treating him.
He reminds Geumsun that he said to turn off the water so they can have sex in bed. So bossy.
Geumsun says fuck the environment and insists that they should have sex in the running hot shower instead since it’s cold out, 704’s body is already cold and he’ll catch a cold. NOT HOW COLDS WORK, but ok, obligatory yaoi shower sex is a fate even this webtoon can’t escape I guess.
I s2g it feels like every yaoi webtoon has the obligatory shower sex, public bathroom sex, and car sex scene that’s always convoluted and never much logical so I guess we should be thankful this isn’t the worst set up.
Geumsun says 704 asked for this first so don’t complain and then enters him with some trouble. He says it doesn’t fit and asks if 704 prepped himself well. 704 says he’s already in, what doesn’t fit? Geumsun says he’s not even halfway in yet lolll and 704 has been blowing him, how could he still not know Geumsun’s size.
Side note, I've reread ch 69 a million times since and what's even better than 704's jumping Geumsun and making him feel shitty about it is that 704 does all this while also giving one of the world's worst blowjobs with so much confidence. 20 years of banging for yang and looks like his skills have not improved in the slightest. Amazing.
By the way, I was really curious there when Geumsun took off his jeogori-like cardigan and pants in the shower whether this was the chapter we’d finally see him fully naked but guess his nipples will remain as mysterious as his past for now.
A bunch of sex noises later 704 grabs Geumsun’s hand on his chest (awwww) and tries to get out a question about positions. He asks if they can face each other and then quickly questions the idea when, oops, it’s too deep.
Would have appreciated seeing more affection between these two but compared to last chapter when Geumsun kept his hands to himself and looked too afraid and nervous to touch I guess this is a ton of progress.
Cue more sex noises while 704 takes in Geumsun’s face, smiles, and asks if it’s that good for him. The confidence of this reaper I s2g.
Then, my favorite exchange of the whole chapter:
704: Look at me.
704: Who are you having sex with right now?
704: Take a good look at who you’re inside.
What a king.
Geumsun sets 704 down on the shower floor afterwards and asks why he’s upset that Geumsun saw another human in him. 704 says he wants to know too and came there to find out.
704 is bundled up in Geumsun’s bed in what can’t possibly be Geumsun’s white and pink hoodie and starts talking about his feelings. He reveals how long he’s been curious about Geumsun’s behavior, how he realized the things Geumsun did wasn’t directed at him, but he thought whatever Geumsun’s reasons were it was somehow directed at him anyway but how funny that it’s not really like that. (There’s nothing funny about it though ) The feeling was unfamiliar and 704 questioned why he’d be angry and why now and why would it matter what Geumsun saw him as.
So he came bc he wanted to check whether or not he’d really be upset.
And the last two lines is why it took me a whole day to process this. The subject is often not specified in Korean so even with consulting with several Korean native friends and awkwardly providing context, it’s unclear if it’s “But you’re angry, which is funny.” or “But I’m angry, which is funny.”
Still not funny, 704!!! Whatever human emotions you’re working on pls make humor one of them!
I think he’s referring to Geumsun here bc of his last look and the panic that struck Geumsun at the end of last chapter.
Honestly, if you know what it is definitively, please let me know!!
Didn’t expect much from this chapter. I figured we wouldn’t get any real answers until season 2’s finale anyway. I have no doubt these answers will come as cliffhangers and I’m already mad about it.
I think it’s unlikely Geumsun will be forthcoming with any info when he’s not sure why 704 is changing to begin with. The panic could be fear that 704 caught feelings and is now condemned to hell or hopeful suspicion that human 704 is returning. Either way I don’t think he’ll reveal anything. There’s a lot going on rn that probably takes priority. He’s suffered a lot to protect 704 so revealing the big secret right before he has to battle the big bad seems unlikely.
Strangely enough I think Hwan will be the one to inform both 704 and the reader just who tf 704 is, since taunting Geumsun seems to be his thing and they’ve all got to be meeting soon.
Side note: 704 bundled up in Geumsun’s bed again reminded me of the last time he was there. Better circumstances this time around but he also woke up in pink that time when Geumsun cleaned and dressed him. Are they his clothes he left? San’s clothes? Clothes Geumsun picked out specifically for 704 outside of Geumsun’s very specific & moody color scheme just to fuck with him? I love all options, honestly.
Also took me only a recent reread to notice but when Geumsun told San and Eunjae he was going to his room to rest and don’t bother him at the end of ch 56 he just went to go hide under the blanket 704 was wrapped in last time he was there from ch 46. Goblins technically don’t need sleep so he just wanted to go do that.
Looks like season 2 will end at ch 75. This is the second update in a row now that we’ve gotten an “incomplete” manuscript (in artwork only). The finished details, backgrounds, and coloring are incredible but the story alone is already a masterpiece. I really hope the author can better balance this perfection and take care of their health with the final 4 episodes because I’m super nervous how long the hiatus will be between seasons 2 and 3.
What We Learn:
- 704 is a total dom
- Absolutely nothing else
Questions Remaining:
- where the hell is San?
- will we ever see a shirtless Geumsun?
- speaking of clothing, what is Yama wearing? are we safe yet?
- did anyone else realize the Northerners are NOT Chinese and i’m just an idiot? some words in the webtoon have Chinese characters or translation listed (i.e.: San’s full name, title of Eunjae’s manhwa, Underworld names) and it has more to do direct pull from Daoist and Buddhist terminology instead. for example the Chinese character marking on 704’s neck has the character 卯 that means East which is Yama’s Court of Hell, omg ANYWAY, more on that later
hmu for the translated chapter if you want, i wanna know all your thoughts!
Past spoiler summaries, theory posts, and chronological timeline of events up to 58 favorited on my page and listed here: https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/1211715/