Lol Seth treated Anubis like shit forget being treated as son since that night , didn't u see when Anubis cried at night asking why it's happening only to him,he felt so lonely and unloved ,cause his mother didn't really care for him and Seth didn't care enough either ,he did love him but he never did anything for him at all ,it's like ur parents saying they love u but they don't give money ,food ,any basic necessities to u and still say they love u .
It's only natural for Anubis to waver and side with any one after being loyal to him for many yrs because of Seth's indifferent attitude towards him ,and he knows about the curse and wants to get help from anyone possible cause he wants to become a god , if seth really considers Anubis his son and he could have lifted his curse from him that's stopping his growth spurt and being a god he could have helped Anubis in the first place then there would have NO NEED for Anubis to wander and join hands with isis and Osiris but because Seth neglected his duty even as a father ,it has come to this that even Anubis became so miserable that he's ready to do whatever it takes to become god ,if only Seth had resolved his problem as a father then he would have happily remained by his side like he did for so many yrs even tho Seth never paid attention to him.

Bro what? Did you forget the part about Seth being held trial during when Anubis was getting cursed? I know you did not forget that this man's was literally detained by the gods. How was he even supposed to help?? And the curse really started escalating after Seth got arrested.
And Seth didn't even know about the curse until recently and tbh I'm not even sure he knows what the cause of the curse even is. At the time he's literally facing trial he couldn't have had time to "lift the curse" and even then he can't do it just like that. Yeah he's a god but remember that his specialty is war and the desert.
And you said he would've happily remained at his side like he did for many years. That's mostly false because even Anubis admitted that he never really liked his father. So he wouldn't "return to being happy" cause he wasn't really happy in the first place. So even if by some miracle Seth was able to do this in the MIDDLE of his TRIAL he probably wouldn't return happily to Seth's side.

Hold on "never really liked his father" ,R U KIDDING ME ? , Anubis loved Seth so much that's why he remained loyal to Seth for SO MANY YEARS Willingly without a word even tho Seth didn't care about him cause he longed for his father's love and thought that maybe Seth will change and start loving him again,but now his patience gave up cause remember when he was talking to his mother nephthys he said that Seth clearly doesn't care about neither him nor for her that's why she should also give up on Seth and dude the curse only started escalating when Seth was in trial but it was put on Anubis long ago when he was a small kid ,Seth put that curse unintentionally but it's a curse that he could easily lift (I think it was Horus who said this)yeah there is a possibility that Seth himself doesn't know about the curse he had put unintentionally on Anubis but he was AWARE about Anubis' growth problem,he knew there was something that was stopping Anubis'growth spurt and that's why even tho he was older that Horus ,he was still weaker and smaller in size ,Seth isn't blind right? He could clearly see that but still he ignored it for so many years ,what's ur answer to this huh? If Seth really cared about his son and atleast he could have helped him in increasing his growth and becoming god cause that's what Anubis wanted the most .

Did u even read properly what I wrote ? Here read it AGAIN smmhh
"yeah there is a possibility that Seth himself doesn't know about the curse he had put unintentionally on Anubis but he was AWARE about Anubis' growth problem,he knew there was something that was stopping Anubis'growth spurt and that's why even tho he was older that Horus ,he was still weaker and smaller in size ,Seth isn't blind right? He could clearly see that but still he ignored it for so many years ,what's ur answer to this huh? If Seth really cared about his son and atleast he could have helped him in increasing his growth and becoming god cause that's what Anubis wanted the most".
Even though Seth really messed and has to take responsibility, I wish him the very best. I’m so triggered, that Anubis isn’t Seth's son after all. He seriously doesn’t deserve this, in my opinion. Honestly, I never really liked Isis and Osiris, since Osiris is an ******* and Isis a annoying b*tch through out the story no matter what they’ve been through.
Who do you think is the biggest victim in the story?