Yeah ofc, but i wouldnt write off their current behavior as just being toxic for each other. like one comment said they should have 10 years of therapy before getting together,, um what?? Cause they're teens rn, their world is confined to their home lives.. Cirrus feels guilty that the kiss was obv tough on Skylar but he doesn't even consider that he could have trauma, it's just about *him* ("kinda offended i made u gag") and how that kiss was helpful to *his* goals. The same with Skylar, like I'm sure his crush wouldn't appreciate the hundreds of stalker photos he's taken of him.. but we know his motivations aren't bad so we're sympathetic to him instead. Their age makes this behavior understandable, they don't know better yet. If that makes sense

Never said they don't need therapy, just the idea that they need to fully work through their issues before they're even capable of a relationship is insulting. Idk if Skylar has depression or a personality disorder or ptsd but that shit doesn't just go away w/ therapy, all it does is become manageable. They could do therapy and date at the same time if anything, but there will *never* be a point where they'd enter a relationship and its all fluff. All relationships come w/ fights (espc when ur younger) cause ur two people trying to fit together, and if both of u have trauma then thats extra hard. Idk, i just hate this all or nothing attitude that a lot of comments seem to have.

Ooh, I think I understand your point, solving a mental problem takes a long time, it can even last a lifetime, so from my point of view the problem in this case would be that (for example) Cirus did not even have the intention of fixing his inner shit and ended up dragging Skylar with him, a couple is supposed to contribute to your life instead of subtracting you. That's what you mean?

Yeah ^^ I think it def makes sense to say Cirrus could be a bad bf because like u said he just wants to act out rn, he might not have it in him to be considerate of Skylar. Tho also, relationships can be the exact healing/support/learning that someone needs. If they end up liking each other, then thats enough and theyd figure out the rest

Kinda not gonna keep repeating myself.. its not an excuse, Cirrus is a bully rn and would have to actually apologize/make amends if he cares to later. It’s just understandable and doesnt make him a *toxic person*. Espc considering his young age, literally characterized by impulsive, selfish decisions.

A toxic person is anyone whose behavior adds negativity and upset to your life. Many times, people who are toxic are dealing with their own stresses and traumas. To do this, they act in ways that don’t present them in the best light and usually upset others along the way.
Toxicity in people isn’t considered a mental disorder. But there could be underlying mental problems that cause someone to act in toxic ways, including a personality disorder.
Here are some warning signs to watch out for if you think you’re dealing with a toxic person:
You feel like you’re being manipulated into something you don’t want to do.
You’re constantly confused by the person’s behavior.
You feel like you deserve an apology that never comes.
You always have to defend yourself to this person.
You never feel fully comfortable around them.
You continually feel bad about yourself in their presence.
source: https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/signs-toxic-person

You wont change my mind on this. I disagree with calling people toxic at all, it's a stupid term thatll eventually fade out of use. It's good to identify "toxic" behaviors and protect yourself like Skylar is trying to do. But the way people use toxic is to say "here is a bad, irredeemable person. They are just built like this and your best option is to avoid them". Everything they do becomes "toxic". Cirrus is following Skylar around cause he's confused what he did wrong and wants to know but this is somehow harassment. His apology is insincere cause he doesn't get what's so hard about a kiss (a pretty common belief, espc from one teenage boy to another), yet this is proof to commenters that he's psychopathic. He *deserves* to be punched while Skylar *deserves* someone nice, like his crush. It's such a childish way of looking at things.

Well, I am not trying to change your mind, i'm merely stating facts. Toxicity is not irredeemable in itself and it refers to the effect you have in another being. Is a fact that to Skylar Cirrus is a toxic existence. But what he lacks the most are fundamentals in common sense, in about everything he does. His inner dialogues, his actions, his double standards. It goes beyond anything coherent. I have an adult daughter, a teenage son, I myself was a kid once, pretty wild at that so the "to be young" is nothing but an excuse tbh. Is not definitive, but right now he is a toxic existence to someone. He does not reflect in that at all. I don't think anyone deserves anything bad happened to them, not Cirrus, not anyone, but every action has an equal and opposite reaction. And if "toxic" is being overused, maybe it's because we used to thing little about it before.

Well for me calling someone toxic isnt calling them irredeemable. At some point I would hope that Cirrus will stop having toxic behavior. If every teen went through this “phase” then it wouldn’t be considered toxic. To me Cirrus us toxic bc he doesnt see a problem with pushing around Skylar. He adds to skylar’s stress, making him relive his trauma and blackmailing him.
( https://www.purewow.com/wellness/traits-of-toxic-people)
( https://www.minimalismmadesimple.com/home/toxic-person/)
Comments here lowkey annoying,, theyre not ~toxic~, theyre literally just teens. Unaware of/apathetic to issues outside their own.