
it's people like you who actually do the raping and abusing: someone who can countenance such evil with their spirit. you have to be the lowest trash on the planet. The author makes the rules in their own au, not you. Stop imposing your trashy hangups on an author who you are not fit to eat the dirt off her shoes. god, you low-life. how do you know the author hasn't been raped? you don't, so shut your ugly mouth. god, what a terrible person.
WOW, so I can rape someone, and then simply apologize in the end, and all is well if I hard a hard childhood ??? Seme rapes MC and abuses everyone else around him and treats them like trash and author throws the 'well, he had a hard childhood. So he did all those things you see. Don't hate him too much okay ...' BS.
I hope this author gets rape and abuse by someone who 'had a hard childhood' and see if they can still 'Put a Smile On' haha.