I think blue lock hasn't gotten an anime adaptation is because it still to new and doesn't have much chapters yet for a season. This manga also quite good and deserve the adaptation. They have some character growth, the personalities are also varies. There is also the fact that the football theories are helping novices understand football. Although I do agree with the romance part. Lastly Day did got anime adaptation while the other I haven't read them. Well it's just my opinion thought

be blues is definitely one (if not the best) football manga created. i believe it hasn't gotten any sort of adaptation due to popularity. it's not completely unknown, but compared to ao ashi, blue lock, etc i don't think it's that known, which is a huge shame because it has one of the best characters, character development and storyline out of all the sports manga out there. considering how it has 400+ and no adaptation has even been hinted at, i honestly can't see one coming out. but i do agree, i don't think ao ashi is a bad football manga, but it's definitely not the best.
The fact that this got an anime adatation while soccer manga like be blues, blue lock, giant killing and days had waaay better story line and character growth and personality is confuses me... like? Why the standart so low? We need a good ass soccer anime.. not this miscommunication force romance "soccer" manga