ONE MORE THING the store that he works at calling him a cash cow and using his androgyny as a marketing tool also annoyed me. and correct me if i’m wrong and i could be but when has he ever referred to himself as androgynous?? genuinely asking because as far as i remember it’s just everyone around him calling him that. AND unicorn boys!? really??? what was that? i hate that so much….. and with that i think i’m done for now

To be fair androgyny doesn’t only involve the appearance of androgyny but the person’s dynamic as well. Just as how androgyny involves people that look both masculine and feminine where they dont fall under a “gender” category theres also valid androgyny that stems from balancing their gender out with the opposite stereotyped visual representation where an identified man would lean strongly feminine and vice versa. I was actually really happy they didn't just focus on the biggest and most commonly imagined androgyny but had both masculine women and feminine men and representation for that, bringing up the misconceptions of how they appear in society like how they were assumed to be under a gender identity when they separate their physical selves from their identities.
I respect your opinion on megus romance and partner dynamics tho i do think they balance each other out
(These parts after more for the reply-er)
Also i do get the ick about the duo name being unicorn boys tho i dont think its offensive but rather cringe, plus the twos aesthetic leans more feminine in the first place
Theres also a misconception about what genderless means since its a translation but meguru is male and identifies as one. The genderless term is the equivalent of androgynous and it isnt the focus or the involvement with their gender or sexuality but their choice in the way they present themselves without confining themselves in a masculine or feminine only box(which is why i get the ick since it can turn it a bit contradictory). Also meguru does wear masculine clothes but he leans towards clothes that better fit him without caring about the clothes gender association
i actually wasnt that big of a fan of this. it’s cute and simple and i like that but there were parts that sort of “annoyed” me??? like how he’s genderless but they associate him with being feminine and how his androgyny stems from him being feminine? and then there was the assumption that he’s gay because of it as well? the way the story portrays their relationship is cute but it just feels shallow even if that’s not actually the case. and like you can see how it annoys him but he doesn’t speak up about it often because it makes her happy so that part also just didn’t sit right with me. if people feel represented in some way in this then that’s great but idk what i was expecting honestly lol